Corruption Effects Adjustments Incoming

Ya know I didn’t feel that way … until today this tank was giving my rogue grief because he was “doing better” - but he had echo void 3 and we did big pulls… and I hadn’t yet won the corruption lottery…

So now yes, I’m in favor of this change. Tanks really don’t do well if they do higher dps, goes right to their head… and fast! I usually tank and if this is how other tanks act, then lets nerf their damage more and add the threat modifier - bliz obviously knows that tanks can’t handle real dps numbers.

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I also like to compare Blizzard’s balance tactics as using a meat cleaver when a scalpel would be a lot better for the job. They take wild hacks when surgical precision is needed. I don’t know what any of us expect from this turd of a company anymore.

I was pretty much done with this expac, got echoing void in my first chest and figured I might as well waste the gold for a token now(thanks for sucking and driving the price down WC III Reforged!) to have some fun. At least I didn’t spend my own money, but I did spend someones buying that token and I totally regret it. I don’t want my playtime being counted among their metrics so Ion can keep patting himself on the back for a job well done.

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Yep remove tank dps and just make it threat again. That will get tons of tanks playing the game!


Go look at the one handed axe called Neurosurgeon’s Tool. It’s a meat cleaver.

I already tank. No change :wink: As for tanks who start shaming dps? That’s worse than them not tanking, imo.

lmao this is so pathetic. Balancing should be done with a scalpal, its something that takes skill and precision, Blizzard no longer possesses that so they go straight for the sledgehammer every time. It’s so embarrassing at this point.


Completely unacceptable. You had months of PTR data before this went live. Wasted effort, time, and what do you have to show for it? Angry players. Good job Activision, if your goal is to alienate and piss off the player base, you’ve succeeded.


I cleansed 3 pieces of void ritual, and i will just go ahead and assume that was my fault. This corruption system is azerite 2.0 launch and it is a failure.


EV being a tank only corruption was likely their original intent (why link it to health pool otherwise?)

Ok, but what about all the people who didnt get Echoing Void pre nerf and are now never going to have the opportunity to beat parses done by people with the pre nerf Echoing Void? Should have just buffed the hell out of all the other corruptions and made it so we can target a corruption like we have been begging for since legion legendarys came out and we couldnt target a specific one.

Also unlucky for me that my guild already benched me for not having any good corruptions so im under preforming. I feel bad for the many other people who missed out on content because they didnt get loot luck.


Wow imagine being this out of touch with your own game that you can’t see how awful doing this is?

You put corrupted effects on random pieces of gear with no way to target what you get outside of spending buckets of gold on BoE’s with BiS corrupted effects.

I spent millions getting three pieces of echoing void because it was best for my class, not even best for most classes.

Now it’s utter trash tier for everyone, all my other pieces were cleansed after the first round of nerfs and now I’m stuck hoping I just find pieces of gushing wounds to stack until you nerf that too?

Why implement a broken system on live, then continue to nerf an effect especially AFTER RESET, when people have cleansed more pieces from their weekly caches and the world first race is still going.

Scrap the whole corrupted system, surely you guys can see how horribly you screwed up by making a WORSE VERSION of titan forging?

Is blizzard actively trying to lose customers? Because between this trash and W3 Reforged flopping, you are certainly going to be losing a lot more.

This is worse than legion legendaries; you guys need to get a grip on your games. Absolutely appalling game design followed by an even more appalling response to your own screw ups.


Can we have a restoration on gear that corruption was cleansed?
I’d be willing to pay gold, coalescing visions, corrupted mementos or pet tokens for it please.


Echoing void 3 is the only corruption piece im gotten which is a blue 425 and it sims better then any of the other wrists Ive gotten (because of the echo void) which are alot by the way.

Ya how about increasing that bag space for all my could be best in slot gear. (depending on the week)


Could you guys maybe just maybe try tuning stuff during the ptr or at least heroic week would be freaking amazing.


This is such odd timing. With all the data you guys have, couldn’t you have done this after the first week heroic released? Why in the middle of the second mythic reset?

I don’t have any void rituals myself, but what are you proposing to do to those who cleansed void ritual in the last week and a half because it was so bad that literally nobody wanted to use it. I’m generally not one to complain about balance and I for the most part think corruption is a fun system, but these number changes don’t give me much faith in your balance department in the slightest. Massive nerfs to some corruptions, and massive buffs to other corruptions make me circle back to the beginning of BFA when some Azerite traits were so bad that you had to double/triple the effects of some of them to make them ‘good’ (too bad the Blood DK traits are some hot garbage the entire expansion).

I’m not surprised to see echoing void nerfed, but I’m curious if the corruption cost is going to be adjusted as well. The DPS/Corruption value won’t really be worth it anymore to most classes, meaning you basically just turned something that was really good for tanks, and good for DPS classes into something that’s bad for DPS classes and okay for tanks.

The numbers department is just awful. I don’t think a single person would bat an eye if corruptions were nerfed like this on the PTR and then had very small adjustments when they hit live. Seeing things sledge hammered on live several weeks after launch is pretty laughable TBH.


If it was meant to be tank only why give it to DPS spec players? It’s obviously meant for anyone to use.

Seems like Blizzard failed to test properly before going live. I’m getting tired of seeing this happen too often. Its one of the reasons I’ve backed off on my playing some and just am ambling through things right now.

This patch is definitely NOT alt friendly…especially since some of my characters are really squishy and these scenarios are not friendly to some specs (i.e. mages).

Meanwhile eternal palace trinkets greatly out perform current tier trinkets


I wish a blue would respond to your post but we all know it’ll be a cold day in hell when blues comment on anything other than fluff.