Corruption Effects Adjustments Incoming

Maybe i’m lucky but for the effort i’ve put in since it has been out probably 30% of the items i get usually are corrupted

Infinite Stars is a weird case where it needs an overall adjustment to proc rates and other things. It’s amazeballs at single target but struggles on 8/12 fights where adds delay stacks and other weirdness that goes on. Things like Echoing Void you just equip and annihilate everything.

That said, the changes AFTER we’ve already looted out boxes , done a night of farm raiding, and cleansed items for the week is absolutely awful.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA i feel sorry for the people that bought boe for milions of gold with that AHAHAHAHA blizzard good game I love it.


How do we report a blue poster for trolling. Can’t possibly be serious. Not 4/1 yet last I checked.


So, my T3 Void is going to only cost 30 corruption now, right?


No, of course not…


If you’re going to nerf its damage by 50%, reduce its corruption amount by 50%

6k/proc is not worth 60 corruption for rank 3


So are you reducing the corruption cost then???

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If there was a corruption cost reduction it would be listed in the change. Everyone asking about this has already read the changes, and saw nothing about cost reductions. Kinda answers itself.

Woke up yesterday to a 475 weapon in my M+ chest with a Tier 3 Void Ritual…seeing how it was bad at the time i cleansed it turns out not even 1 day after they buff it sky high… Blizzard you need to roll back Void Ritual rolls this week this is just getting silly at this point. plez dont go down this path its embarrassing.


The WoW team has been an embarrassment for the past 2 years, why would they change now?


If we pool some money together and put together a pizza party for blizz staff maybe that would boost their morale to make WoW awesome again?

Just thinking of ideas right now.

Really? They gave us the information, someone had to, otherwise imagine the outrage if it was a stealth nerf.

This an absolutely idiotic change. I have gotten pretty much nothing but Echoing Void corrupts on my DK, now they are completely useless. I have 1 Infinite Stars corrupt on him from yesterday but from what I can tell, it doesn’t work for DK’s. Would be nice to actually be able to just use the items I get, rather than have to deal with them being completely an absolutely useless a week later, in a system that was supposed to bring something new and interesting.


The volume of changes being made after months of PTR testing is… disheartening, to say the least.


When are you going to do some long-overdue class balancing to make up for this?

You’ve been relying on overpowered essences and corruption to wallpaper over the class imbalance this expansion. Now you’re ripping the wallpaper off the walls.


It is possible it is viewed as redundant as Holinka is working on class balancing for shadowlands so they don’t want to disrupt his efforts.

But yes it would be cool to see some class balancing in BFA!

To be fair, it was really ugly wallpaper.

Imagine just wanting to play Sub rogue this expansion. LMAO

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Awesome I love that you made Echoing Void garbage. Got a bigger nerf than Infinite Stars despite never doing better damage per corruption on ST or AoE than other corruptions. It needed a tank only nerf and perhaps a smaller nerf for DPS but not 50% for DPS. You’ve now made this corruption a tank only corruption.


It didn’t even need a tank nerf, it needed a Blood DK nerf. This is a specific freak-out by Blizzard to what somebody was doing in the ‘world first’ race.

But Blizzard doesn’t do specific adjustments anymore, they just use a sledgehammer on everything. The meaning of finesse is totally lost on them.