Corruption Effects Adjustments Incoming

I know i’m farting in the wind here, but buff unwavering ward or give healers something worth a damn. Preservation is also a joke of a heal. The amount of time it takes for ward to stack has to be a joke as well.


Can you also make it where dps don’t get corrupted avoidance gear thanks.


The most accurate representation of whats going on.

Hard agree.

What we need is to buff the other corruptions. Balance is fine, but this patches pick me up is Corruption. I would be nice if they all were good (different ways of course) instead of nerfing them down.

Yes I know it does a lot of damage, but until Shadowlands we don’t have much.

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Why don’t you guys just Admit corruption was a stupid and poorly implemented idea and remove it completely.Let people do the side cloak mini game if they wish.
Should of left gearing as was for multiple expansions Tier sets and random items all these stupid systems bad idea after another.

I either want less corruption or more opportunity to participate in it!

That’s just my snide way of saying corruption RNG sucks.

I am almost 100% certain that is no longer the case after the multiple nerfs it’s gotten the last 2 weeks. It was giga retard on launch, it’s pretty fine now.

It’s honestly painful to go through my enchanter’s spellbook and see all of the varied enchants that used to be available. Just like it hurts to go through my armor crafting patterns and see three gem slots on crafted gear.

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We were all floored when so many of these corruption effects were as strong as they were. You stuck with them, you launched them in this state, and now you’ve slowly peeled back the power level thus diminishing the rewards on live and creating immense uncertainty. Lame.


I have two tier 2 echoing voids and it does 15-20% of my dmg. Nerf is warranted. Just be consistent and nerf stars as well please.

Echo is already verging on not great for cats. It’s only redeeming quality is it’s just a consistent across the board passive DPS buff of 3-4k. ( Used to be 5-7k )

And always nice to do things like this after I’m sure most of us have cleansed or scrapped all the void ritual gear.


The problem with corruption is not in the overall power of the effects. There are 2 problems with corruption, 1. there is a huge disparity in power between different corruptions. - Solution is to buff weaker corruptions 2. Corruption acquisition is terrible, people complain about infinite stars and echoing void not because they are too powerful, but because they are very strong and there is no way to target acquire them. - Solution is to add a means of corrupting items manually with your choice of corruption at a cost. That’s all you gotta do.


I think this is the primary cause here.

They managed to make Titan forging really really really matter and suddenly you have things like ferals out DPS’ing rogues and everyone freaks out instead of realizing the rogue just hasn’t got their titan forge yet.

People had issues with titan forging granting random additional power, you “fixed” it by changing the name and granting orders of magnitude more power.


How do you guys not know how to balance your own game? Random players run websites that rank all the gear and affixes out there - surely you have the same info, and even better info, to help balance things before release?

When I seen the power distribution of corruption affixes on bloodmallet I groaned - you designed your corruption affixes with very lopsided effectiveness, and you act like all oblivious to the outcome of your own design. How is this even possible?

The same goes with trinket power. Like this is the last tier, you think you could have designed trinkets that out-compete trinkets that aren’t acquired from raiding. But here I am, farming the same dungeons for the same trinkets I have been using for the entire expansion.

What is your design process? Conjure up some cool idea and release it to the wild, and hope for the best?


Please consider partially reverting the pvp nerfs to corruption if u keep nerfing them


You know what the best part about all this is? Ive been playing classic for the last 4 months lul…

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By the time I actually get Echoing Void it will have already been nerfed into oblivion. I’ll just keep getting Versatility and the TERRIBLE Void Ritual in the mean time.

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And plenty of people pointed this out before it went live. They didn’t need to see it in action for two weeks before they realized how things were going to play out; the issues were obvious.


Yeah, if they gut Void I’m just going to cleanse it. I’m not keeping 60 corruption for a dead effect because Blizzard can’t nerf something without killing it.

Also this.


I think the problem is partly one of expectations. There has to be some sort of time gate to getting the gear you want, especially given we might be with this patch for 9 or more months.

So how do you do that? Put the better gear in progressively harder content? Like essences with all sorts of grinds that everyone complained was alt unfriendly? Titan vendor?

I’m not sure what the right answer is here. Titan vendor always felt horrible, you save up for three week for one pull of the lever and it’s a dud.

Essences kind of felt rewarding but the grinds weren’t great and doing them over on alts was horrible.

Titan forging, just happens while you play how you want to play, but it takes a long time to evenly distribute and there’s no way to predict are control when and how you progress.

Did you just assume the existence of Blizzard’s QA team???