I’m not sure if it’s been covered already, but what is the status of crafted gear? Will that be able to be corrupted using preserved contaminants?
Maybe it’s to simulate current events. Does the grocery store (vendor) have paper towels today (twilight devastation 3)? What about toilet paper (infinite stars 3)? Who knows!
There should be no “thanks” whatsoever going to Blizzard for this “fix” to yet another “broken system”. Anyone who has been watching this week unfold can actually imagine this idea being thought up on the toilet on Monday during lunch break and they implemented it 17 hours later. This is an obvious sign of what we can expect for the next xpac. We are beta testers for everything they release. It is blazingly obvious at this point they have no testing department at all.
For which we don’t pay anything more per month than we did 10 plus years ago when their costs have probably doubled in that time.
There is another thread on that with a blue post.
Literally what does that have to do with anything at all?
That statement isn’t even true.
How it is not true - are you paying more than you did 10 years ago for your monthly subscription?
And if you are going to go with the they have millions of $ to spend on the game route, you are going to have to consider our contribution as well.
Subscriptions aren’t the only way WoW makes money.
10 years ago the store didn’t exist. More importantly, the WoW token didn’t exist either.
Are you seriously trying to defend Blizzard by saying they’re a small struggling company? What is your point here?
I told you the point - arguing they should give you more content because they have millions of dollars to spent isn’t a good argument. It is their money to spend not yours.
If I deal with any company over a ten year period and if how much I pay them hasn’t gone up while their costs have gone up, I am not going to expect to get the same kind of service/product I used to get from them. I deal with reality and reality is the world doesn’t work that way in most cases.
I didn’t ask for more content.
I said that the content they give us should be done correctly.
The reality is Blizzard cuts corners because they don’t care.
The reality is more people are unhappy with this game than those who are not.
Stop defending lazy design.
Meh. You are on a rampage about quality in a world health crisis when people are working at home. If you think that is reasonable then its a whatever - I don’t. Every game I play isn’t functioning like they used to 6 months ago.
Nice backtrack to an excuse you weren’t even remotely factoring in to your original comments.
Nobody asked for this system this week. They could have held it off.
If SL is a disaster are you going to defend it because oh no they had to deal with working from home?
Blizzard is a fortunate company because their entire development team can work from home.
Stop making excuses on their behalf, you’re not helping anything.
Because your argument appeared to shift.
I originally responded to this.
Which indicated to me you were wanting more content basically for BfA because of the 6 month time frame you were using.
Then you switched to this.
Which was a different argument in my mind so I addressed that.
I might have misunderstood you the first time though.
Sure if I think that is the reason and I know they are behind right now because of coronavirus. I am not all that convinced you are a reliable source of information for this.
How do you take that as me asking for even more content?
I am clearly saying that what we have should be good.
I don’t see how you could mistake that for anything other than me complaining about the new system.
Because you were responding to this remark.
Their costs have likely dropped. Server space is much cheaper now and doesn’t require a single dedicated blade per server hence why they sell off their old ones for charity. They also have fewer subs so less server stress and they reuse a ton of assets.
So you think people are making the same wages as they were 10 plus years ago? If blizzard’s costs haven’t gone up much it is because they are cutting corners on so so much in the game now.
Neat, thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I’d somehow missed that in the other thread.
I’m still a little confused. Am I able to cleanse and recorrupt corrupted items that were obtained prior to the vendor releasing?
Can I cleanse an item I received months ago and replace its corruption with a better one? Or can I only cleanse and recorrupt an item that was received since the hotfix?