Corrupted gear leading to more class imbalances

Well I mean it is PTR

That’s their intent, but 4 ideal rolls is a grand total of 20 corruption. At that point, the corrupted pool wasn’t even doing enough to break my Blessing of Kings shield.

Is having 4 tier 1 corrupted items worth it? Haven’t tested that.

20% extra critical damage is worth it, yes. You honestly want low rolls because it lets you stack the bonuses much more safely.

No there is a difference, cloak is about SANITY effects whcih is mostly a vision of nzoth thing and also a nzoth fight thing, but corruption is a different thing

Blue post confirms that cloak helps to counter both effects.

Oh didnt know that, have a link to it? : o

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I don’t disagree with your distaste of the corruption system, but… we’ve been there for a while.


We never left.

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It is BFA “class imbalance” might as well be in parentheses right after the Azeroth part.

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It’s potentially going to be worse in one regard if the affix that reduces incoming periodic damage works with Stagger. It’d catapult Brewmaster to the god of tanks.


I’m pretty sure if you cleanse the corruption then you also cleanse the benefit. It was put in place for people that want the base gear drop but not the annoyance.

Incoming more class based nerfs because of outside sources that will eventually be gone. I can see this with brewmaster and I can see this with shadow priest yet again. Nerf the class because Azerite and stuff is out of whack.

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Yeah, as more details have unfolded about the system, it looks like they can be purified which removed the buff+debuff. However, the new grind will be to work up your resistance like with the cloak. That way you don’t have to get the debuffs, but can still hold onto the buffs.

So I’ve looked at the tank specific weapon corruptions that will drop on certain weapons. I don’t see anything for Vengeance DH.

Warrior/Paladin get the 1 - Handed Sword Faralos, Empire’s Dream

Blood DK get’s the 2 - Handed Sword Sk’shuul Vaz

and Guardian/Monk gets the staff An’zig Vra

Any reason in particular for this?