Corrupted gear leading to more class imbalances

Some of the effects can be a huge dps boost people won’t just throw away.

Which means that people will want to use them but only on a class that can easily deal with the Debuffs.

Here’s the thing, a warlock or spriest getting slowed down is a major issue that could even lead to dying in a raid, meanwhile classes with high mobility like mage, monk, dh can almost ignore that effect, then comes the add which for a caster like a mage or hunter can easily be kited while staying at high dps, then the aoe effect can once again be instantly blinked or disengaged away. Meanwhile melee would not be able to use high corruption due to the aoe effect on bosses that don’t require them to be moved since the aoe area is huge,

This system feels utterly broken, only few specific classes can very easily deal with high corruption and get high dps while many others simply will get destroyed by the effects so will always be behind simply because their class is not able to deal with the negative corruption effect as well as some other class.

We are once again back to stack classes, not bring players.


Corrupted gear is a bad idea in general, i already have enough to deal with the RNG the loot currently has, i dont want to have to deal with the possibility of my gear killing me


I was thinking more along the lines of the elite guilds being coordinated enough to deal with the corruption allowing for their members to stack corrupted pieces, while the other 99% of players have to ditch it for most fights, or even entirely.

They’re a bit like mythic affixes that come with you. Some guilds will have the skill and coordination to manage it, but many will not.

And because Blizzard has always buffed and nerfed around the top 1% running the latest content, certain specs are going to get hammered for reasons that have nothing at all to do with how the majority of people play them.

Not that this is anything that hasn’t happened for the last 15 years, but the potential for it to be even worse is there.


They are trying to make things interesting with gimmicks when making classes interesting is the far more logical choice.


But didnt I see that there would be some method of cleansing or removing the debuffs? So presumably you can build up an excellent set by, perhaps, getting one or two pieces and then working towards cleansing them.

I think it’s sort of clever, really. If you want the best gear, you have to work towards making it usable. Rather than simply having stuff randomly drop to you (eg Titanforged).


Right now everything is on the early phase and can be changed… Though a mobility imparing debuff. … Yuk


That’s the thing, I dont think that would be very viable either.

To maximize dps they would prefer to stack classes that can independently deal with the effects, what you are suggested is coordinating with the raid to deal with most people having a degree of corruption which sounds good in theory but that isnt really possible.

Firstly because the effects are random, which means you can coordinate to avoid X player’s effect by moving or doing whatever, but then another player’s effect pops when you are finished dealing with that effect, then it could be 2 player’s effects popping up and by that time you are already limited in space or areas and that will definitely heavily affect melee players as they wont be able to have high corruption

Secondly this would overwhelmingly favor classes with immunities, because what happens if you have to hide in a tiny spot to avoid damage and the aoe effect pops? Every area would be deadly and only an immunity would save you like ice block.

It sadly will mostly be about stacking classes, and those classes will be also preferred in the group finder as often times people worship the popular “X class is best for this raid, X class is terrible dont invite”. This will affect all levels of raiding and even other types of content

I am afraid 8.3 isnt that far away, we most likely will know the release date in blizzcon. And just think about it yourself, those effects are COMPLETELY GENERIC which means they are an early version(Just like how azerite armor was added in ptr rly late before bfa launched and ended up being terrible because there was no time for real feedback and testing), they didnt spend time thinking how much it would affect classes, it isnt class specific which will lead to a huge problem and i am pretty sure they wont have anywhere near enough time to balance it.

You are more optimistic than me… Im thinking Dec or early Jan.

If you are not a Rogue or DH but an immobile caster this corrupted gear system really, really sucks.

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Yup and they say vendors were a bad thing hahah. So clueless

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You do know they are working on a way to.cleanse the corrupted gear right? So you can keep the stats but lose the downside.

Theres also corruption resistance you can get.

I know there is a way to cleanse a corrupted item, but I dont think it is confirmed yet if it you can actually keep the tier effects if you cleanse it. Because if you can just grind away and remove corruption while keeping the t3 effects it would just be another broken titanforging system with no disadvantage which i dont think that is what they are going for.

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Yea sucks to be a lock or a priest atleast a mage can blink and a boomkin can use a faster form.

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How could it be logical to provide a positive stat and a negative one and have the positive removed along with the negative?

It seems obvious to me that what is intended is that you get a piece of gear and then, before you use it, work on taking off the debuff so it doesn’t affect your play. In a way, its a form of grinding similar to the Heart benefits - if you want this top item, you have to work to improve it.

It’s actually sort of clever, from a design perspective. People have been complaining about Titanforging, how you have to keep trying and hope you get a piece which has TF on it and how people who don’t work on items end up getting gear as good or better than raiders can get. In this instance it seems to have addressed that - you work to get the item and then you work to clean it for use.

I have no real idea how it will pan out but at least it seems to be working in the right direction.

Corrupted gear being cleansed and keeping their broken effects esp if you can stack the best for your class on multiple pieces is literally just titanforging under a different name with a grind added though.
It just will be raw secondary stat bonuses or crit dmg instead of ilvl which most specs value over ilvl as the expac goes on.

Because it is a design choice to have a broken effect with a disadvantage, it is a specific system i ASSUME they are going for.

Now if they instead want to make ridiculously broken effects with no negatives locked behind some corruption cleansing grind, that is literally just as bad or worse than titanforging because even a normal raid piece with a t3 effect you want will be better than possibly a mythic piece without that effect considering how broken some specific effects are for some specs.

i’m so glad i’m taking a long break from the game when my tokens run out in dec. maybe somehow these devs will get their head out of their @%%#* by the next expansion. i doubt it though.

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They really need to implement it right, lest it becomes the SoO trinket from Immerseus 2.0 where you did LFR to try for it because it was so good.
I doubt you won’t be able to get the new corrupted gear from lfr/m+10(which is stupidly easy) and the currency to cleanse as well.
A better idea would’ve just to remove titanforging rng gimmicks and attach these effects to raid gear which scales based on content difficulty with no rng; which also enables easier balancing of classes around these.
In that case, Mythic raid gear and top end m+ gear is always best with no contest

This. Just this.


The thing is these arent even fun gimmicks, they completely disregard how each class works.

Maybe that is why they didnt want to continue the mage towers, because it actually requires them to be tailored to specific classes instead of a generic broken system

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