Corrupted gear leading to more class imbalances

Corrupted gear isn’t a bad idea, it’s the worst idea they’ve ever come up with. This is nothing more than mythic+ affixes all the time for everyone. It’s honestly just a unimaginative concept from a team that is out of ideas but feels we need something “new”. Except it isn’t new, it’s just annoying. Nobody wants dazed risk all the time, nobody wants to drop a pool underneath them, nobody wants to have a mob spawn and chase them randomly. 5 years ago they would have never considered putting boss mechanics on gear, because they had some semblance of reason. That’s all gone. Titanforging was a stupidly gimmicky idea that only served to make people revisit content 3x more than they wanted to. This, this is just… There is 0 doubt in my mind that whatever method we can use to remove the corruption will either be grindy AF, or gated, or a % drop from heroic. I don’t know who it is at Blizzard that thinks the 85th time I run an instance, it’s still “fun” because last week had more mobs, but this week has volcanoes which makes this week fresh and exciting, but i wish they would move to ruin some other franchise.


Warlock (besides Demo) can just self cleanse the slow and even as Demo you typically take burning rush which makes you basically slow immune if you HAVE to move during the debuff. Spriest can also cleanse the slow.

blizzard can easily time gate the cleanse system.

True, I would like to say that they couldnt be dumb enough to introduce YET ANOTHER HUGE GRIND in BFA but its blizzard…


They will likely make the debuffs pop up randomly, for 5-10s at a time, and I’m assuming that classes can’t counter them with immunities.

It’s going to be a huge driver for people to get out and play more though so they can cleanse the gear of the corruption. In the meanwhile, it will have drawbacks.

This is the Devs love letter to all the complainers to remove titan forging.

So you cleanse some of your corrupted items to reduce the impact of the effects. The article made it clear that is the intent but that it just hasn’t been added yet.

My best guess, based on other trends for guaranteed upgrades and such, is that you’ll be looking at roughly a week per item, possibly more; through average gameplay. There might be other ways to speed it up, like for the poopsockers, but we’ll see.

I can see it now, before you can join a raid group you have to wait until someone checks all your gear to see what corruption effects you have.


And anytime someone gets a good drop in the raid we’ll have to wait while they run to the heart forge to cleanse it so they can equip it before moving on. Break time after every boss.

lol yep, kinda goes against their pathetic excuse for making sockets an RNG chance.
“Well… well w-we didn’t want people to keep constantly leaving raids to get sockets for their gear so we just made the sockets RNG… but we’ll add in another system where people may feel the need to leave the raid, because at least it’s based on almighty RNG too.”

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If you cleanse a piece you remove the buff as well. So no, there will always be corruption.

Or if you’re a tank or healer.

That’s what raiders have been asking for all along: remove titanforging from casuals and give raiders big guaranteed bonuses on their gear. More better loot for you, but bad for the game.

You would still have to leave to cleanse the corruption if the buff is one of the useless ones but the item itself is an upgrade, cant just equip corrupted items anymore, they better give some options to do it on the go

Doesn’t the new cloak help to counter some of the Corrupted Gear?

Currently, no. We’ll see if that changes.

You’re supposed to get corruption resistance from the cloak and from an infinite AP sink on the neck, but neither have been implemented.

class balance in wow…lmao.

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That depends actually, you can only use 1-4 pieces of corrupted gear at the same time.