Corrupted Ashbringer Wasn't a Challenge Mode Item. Bring It Back

In terms of economics, sure. But your favorite shirt isn’t suddenly worse because it’s purchasable and mass manufactured.


And there is no economic value as the supply is functionally infinite and there is no way to sell it.

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Rare Versace x HM jacket is not only expensive but also rare and ‘‘fashion’’ people would look at it with respect knowing it’s discountinued. So it kinda has both psichological and economic value.

Status symbols, and generally only within the social circle you exist within. Are you sure you want to equate? (They are very comparable!)

I mean our social circle is World of Warcraft in this case and this whole topic kinda is about it isn’t it? About similar rewards we are mentioning.

In your case the social circle is anyone who played when old Naxx was available, and anyone who was raid ready at that time. Not WoW as a whole, people who are not within this group are not and have never been competing for those pieces.

That isn’t the only issue with this stance, though. Such exclusivity is manufactured and maintained willingly. That’s no different from the very real-world example of the Ahri skin Riot put out recently, where its prestige is simply in the amount of money you spent to get it. It isn’t actually a limited item, it’s a digital license to the rights to utilize the feature in question.

In many ways this IS similar to brands like Versace, but on a worse scale, more akin to Venturini Fendi. A name you likely don’t know because it’s forced exclusivity, and ridiculous beyond its exclusivity. People generally aren’t wearing fashion baguettes because they like them. (And to be clear they aren’t wearing them because the average person knows what it is either - it’s prestige within their social circle, a specific elite.)

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When and where? I know it’s in reforged as a model, but it never appears in the original WC3

I know almost nothing about women’s fashion and had to stop to look up what a baguette in fashion was. The google results with how much people are willing to spend on this on THAT is all the more of a reminder why manufactured prestige is the worst kind.

If I’m paying $2000+ on a purse for someone that they want but don’t like, they are mysteriously going to have an accident falling down from the top of flight of stairs.

Multiple times.

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Yeah man and this isn’t even the worst of it. Definitely bizarre.


Yeah, and it really makes me wonder what goes on through the people’s heads who buy these things.

I like to indulge in a bit of exorbitance now and then just like the next guy, but to stake so much of your life and your personality on having things others can’t have. Something something classism and all that, but it’s something I’ve never been able to wrap my head around.

I have my challenge mode sets, my phoenix mounts, loads of discontinued goodies, and hell, on another account I’ve got the original ZG tiger mount, and NOTHING about my outlook would change towards these items if they were made available again. I actually hate it when people ask me where I got the mounts because it’s never fun telling them that they can’t get it.

In a perfect world, I could tell them “You do it from this challenge mode thing, want to group up?” Instead, I can’t, because some neckbeards who care about a video game too much would have a seizure at the mere thought of them making a return. Just take one look at what people were talking about MoP Remix before the release and you’ll see what I mean.

Normally I don’t like using this term, but man, what a bunch of special snowflakes.

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I always trend toward “let them earn it still” rather than making things trivial to get that were previously difficult.

A solution everyone inherently knows, but for some reason traipse around like a landmine.

Like the aforementioned T3 sets. Arguably more arduous now than they were when current.


100%. I wouldn’t want them to just pass them around without actually doing SOME form of challenge to get them. People act like reviving the challenge should yield new rewards instead of giving the old ones, as though we can’t have it both ways.

Again, just people DESPERATELY wanting to cling on to something to make themselves seem interesting. :roll_eyes:


So there’s your answer.

Both cases I’d say.

I don’t play LoL but I assume that would be comparable to TCG loot?

It was an example, to prove my point. We could argue it depends on brand but that would drag us deeper off topic.

Either people who can afford it with ease or extreme idiots.

Yes. That it’s forced exclusivity, and thus those clinging to it like Gollum to the ring are afraid of only one thing: not feeling personally special, specifically in relation to people who weren’t in competition.

Or, to have an opinion, dirtbags.

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You know the biggest dirtbag here is Blizzard then, right?

I disagree, if people aren’t satisfied with thousands of obtainable rewards (reskins included), then they def do not deserve to have with unobtainable items.

That’s just life. Like we had the discussion earlier, it’s everywhere.

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To rephrase “if people want what they don’t have, they don’t deserve to have what they don’t have.”

Who are you, Buddha?


No it’s just common sense. Why do you feel entitled to have such item? Blizzard removed it years ago and it’s staying that way.


It makes no sense. All effort you expend is in pursuit of things you don’t have. Whether or not you deserve it is entirely and objectively on the effort you put in. Blizzard decides what is available and how to earn it. So people ask for methods to do just that, i.e. this thread.

And to clear something very important up for you.

It is the opposite of entitled to ask for methods of Blizzard’s choosing to earn an item from the past. Entitlement is when someone wants it bereft of effort, but I’ll remind you of my stance.

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it’s not a leggo


was the warglaives of azinoth not a lore heavy item? or thunderfury? or sulfuras? that excuse falls flat when you see how many other lore heavy items were raid drops