Corrupted Ashbringer Wasn't a Challenge Mode Item. Bring It Back

To be clear, I’ve been in the camp of keep sacred things sacred as I’ve done all the things when they were relevant and preferred they were relics of the past.

The truth is, the modern game is designed absolutely bonkers, silly, the heart and soul is gone, nothing is sacred, nothing matters. Your rating doesn’t matter, your ilvl doesn’t matter, your achieves don’t matter, everything the modern team decides absolutely scuffs the systems that came before. So what is anyone including myself trying to hold on to? What blizz has been actively erasing?
As I adjust to modern devs targeting a modern audience, I don’t see the problem with me acquiring things like a purple sword xmog my guild earned in 2005 while I was raid leading.

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In BG it was a real nice step over those lacking gear.

I don’t know of its pve prowess.

In BG you’d give the corrupted bearers a pocket healer not even arguing about it. The only thing taking them down is another corrputed bearer on other side like that. I’ve seen these fights. Good way to see who gdkp’s or had gm hook them up.

They had the gear but damn they dropped real fast to the other side’s ashbringer bringer lol.

Or you zerg’d them. Which left other parts of map with no people. So…you were still looking to lose lol.

That ship sailed a few expansions ago with Legion giving every paladin Ashbringer.

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Gorehowl was on the same level of significance as Shalamayne – Yet the latter is continued to reign in significance & revered importance, whereas the former is just a boss drop.

Given Doomhammer was an artifact weapon, I figured that Shalamayne would’ve been a warrior artifact weapon as a trade-off for faction-significant weapons to hold in the expansion … But anyway. :person_shrugging:

Personally I don’t think ‘Taeshalach’ should’ve been dropped either

Since it’s actually the other half of Sargeras’ sword, and together they’re actually a sentient being … :thinking: Or at least they use to be, I can’t really keep up with Blizzard’s bloody retcons anymore - especially since that garbage abomination cluster of retcons made to the lore via the ‘Shadowlands’ expansion. :unamused:

I know, but it’s still “legendary” item.

And they did. Years ago.

And others agree with blizzard why it should stay the way it is.

And I’ll tell you again. It’s great that some items are removed, making it rare and looked upon. We’ll just have to agree to disagree I don’t want you to get more agresive.

There definitely is a lack of consistency in a lot of decisions made!

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I think a fair compromise here is to just lift the utterly stupid restriction on transmogging artifact appearances across classes.

That would give you the newer corrupted ashbringer, if you have it, and as far as I know, you can still get it so it isn’t like it’s a mage Tower appearance (though i would say that if you have those unlocked for whichever classes you did them on, you should be able to use them on classes that can use that type).

The continued enforcement of this particular restriction baffles me.

I also do not agree with any argument concerning visual class immersion or whathaveyou - I have a character who is just a Kul’tiran druid in a white tanktop, shorts, summer flip flops, and a red hat. His name is Fred Drust. There is no more immersion or anything of that nature. Blizzard puts modern day beachwear in the trading post, so the continued enforcement of restrictions of almost any kind on transmog is silly.

All that said, keeping the og corrupted ashbringer absent when virtually every other piece of equipment from Naxx40 is now obtainable, even if difficult, is a weird choice. The number of people still playing who have that sword is probably quite slim, same as challenge mode armors and weapons, and realm first titles.

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I wish they would just make a replica version of the corrupted ashbringer available for timewarped badges during the WoW anniversary event.


To be perfectly frank, if that restriction wasn’t in place, I probably would not have ever considered making this thread. The Legion one looks so much nicer IMO. But, as you said:

100% agree.

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So, we’ve been making that joke since Vanilla, of course… But, like, we really did give our only one – ever – to a hunter, on the same night that we ended up one splinter short of another Atiesh, too.

Yeah. Good times.

Strictly speaking outside of pvp rewards almost no removed items were that hard to get.

Classic was more a case of the game being new and people not knowing to save mogs for a decade later in tbc ( nothing was removed till wrath). Only item truely removed in vanilla was unarmored epic mounts and the black aq mount.

Tbc you could outgear everything and the raid titles could be shared by someone who had the original quest for years.

Wrath arguably had the only example with immortal… though that was more a test to see if your raid could go a entire night without dcing ( mine couldn’t)

Cata… did cata have anything removed im 404ing.

Mop. Cm modes could be massively over geared by stacking gems as the gems didn’t drop stats.

WoD just had mythics dungeons for trinkets. WoD cms…could be cheesed a bit I recall but not to the same level as mop. Memory is hazy on it.

Legion had mage towers that by the end of the last patch could be almost afked through with gear.

Bfa had the vision mount. It was more a time grind to max your research.

Shadowlands had some torghast junk.

DF had… huh i guess just the usual heroic mount/ dragon riding skin?

What im getting at that barring rare exceptions all exclusive pve content usually tops out at heroic raiding and isn’t that hard. Rather its a product of if you are around.

Which one? The Current ownable one in Paladins or Naxx One?

Oh yes and the uncorrupted ashbringer is also a lore heavy item, and I think it should be removed from ever being acquired again, sucks for new ret paladins doing Legion leveling but the heck with them, lore trumps player enjoyment.

The Legion version is the hidden appearance for the Ret Paladin Artifact Weapon, so it’s only usable by Paladins.

What’s worse is evidently they DID think of a lore weapon for warriors, or arms at least, the axe of cenarious but then they thought players would be too confused about having a nature themed weapon on a warrior and gave us strom’kalar.


And others disagree. Without trying to provide empirical metrics to that, it means nothing.

They removed the raid, that doesn’t preclude bringing rewards back.

That’s great deflection, but has nothing to do with what you said regarding ‘entitlement.’

I don’t like cowards, but I noticed you’d edited me into a post after the fact, so I figured I’d grace you with a response anyway.

Tell us you started playing in MoP or later without telling us you started playing in MoP or later.



The only good version of it in my opinion is the arcanite reaper appearance, which could have also worked if we had gotten y’know. An axe.

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I did what?