Corrupted Ashbringer Wasn't a Challenge Mode Item. Bring It Back

It was a regular RNG drop from a raid that people had on farm. It wasn’t even a legendary.

Also, it was made unavailable well before the concept of transmog was even in a thing in this game. Not everyone who got lucky enough to obtain it back then have the transmog now.

So why can’t it be made obtainable in some way? Panda Remix has made it clear that loot tables can be augmented based on the game mode or hidden buffs, so why not make a mode of Naxx that has a chance to drop the CA?

Yes yes, I’m sure someone will say “Then everyone will wear the CA and it won’t be special!” That argument is tired and never holds true. See: Thunderfury, etc.

P.S.: My two pesos: If something was removed before the transmog system was introduced, it should automatically qualify for some sort of path to reintroduction in the game.

P.Sx2: On a related note, why can’t the better-looking Legion pally CA be made usable account-wide?


it being “prestigious” is an excuse

they’ve said multiple times that giving it to players as a raid drop was a mistake since it’s such a lore heavy item.


Is it not?



“The 1%” literally refers to original Naxx participation.


Just for paladin characters

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Right. Why would it be otherwise? It’s a paladin weapon.


Nah. It’s a hunter weapon. :crazy_face:


Which is a really, really stupid excuse, considering everybody got the Ashbringer in Legion.
And all those other lore-heavy weapons.
And stuff like Dragonwrath, Fangs of the Father, Thunderfury, Sulfuras, and so on.


No paladin ever held that weapon.

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It is weird that they didn’t bring it back considering it was literally just a boss drop.


no, not everybody.
Paladins got the ashbringer.

you mean the legendaries without any real lore and were designed to be player legendaries?

Ashbringer was an important item long before the corrupted version dropped in naxx. Those items were created specifically to be given to players.


Thanks for the pedantry, 'ppreciate it.

Like the Ashbringer.
And the Corrupted Ashbringer, I should add.

And we ended up getting the corrupted version in Naxx, with the uncorrupted variant existing in the game files for years.
Which ended up going to Paladins in Legion.


The Ashrbinger exists in Warcraft 3, before it could be given to players.

Nah, its fine being gone. Kinda neat as is- It doesn’t need to be reduced to just another check mark on the collection page.


I caught a Nobbel87 video recently, he was doing a playthrough of … something… I can’t quite recall what exactly, but during the video, an Orc warrior came across the screen with a couple CA’s slung across his back, presumably a transmog of course.

Nobbel didn’t say anything, but he noticeably stopped talking and doing what he was doing and just looked for a quick second, as I’m sure everyone watching that video did.

CA is one of those really ultra rare things that, out of all the wild transmogs running around you, you notice it. As opposed to all those other mogs, I mean you notice it.

And should it stay that way, which I’m sure it will, I actually think I’m okay with that.

Besides, if I really want to look at Ashbringer that bad, I think my Paladin still has it mogged, I’ll just log on to him. I know it’s not the same thing, but that’s kind of my point.


they gave a lot of appearances for it in Legion.

Its greatest value, imo, was in the other wow.

The twinks really had fun with that bad boy. Like my man runas said…it really hurts to be hit by it lol.

I don’t really like twinks tbh but I did have to respect the patience to stay XP off even up to wrath. Just it use that to own 60 below pvp.

You hoped your side had more naxx twinks than the other side did lol.

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Modern lore has been butchered and doesn’t matter
“prestige” is being erased.
Modern clowns are getting twitch drops of rare months/pets/tabards that required monumental gold grinds when they were relevant.

This is just a xmog that people will equip on their alts you’ll never see.
No reason not to put it in.


I have the sword called Jaithys the Prison Blade that I got on my paladin when that came out and it whispers stuff to you and is way cooler than Corrupted Ashbringer ever was.