Corrupted Ashbringer Wasn't a Challenge Mode Item. Bring It Back

Eh, I’m just not a fan.

There was generally a story to be had with those items. They were hard to get, despite what you may believe. Luck is a huge part of it too.

It was early WoW.

Seeing 'em on a vendor has no such excitement.

Is that a fact? I know it makes 100% sense to not have even invited a Ret to Naxx back in the day, but…there has to have been at least one? or a Holy paladin just yoinking it?

I’ve seen Corrupted Ashbringer on at least one Hunter before. Lol.

Hunter Weapon.

Would be hilarious bringing that out as a Survival Hunter.

The axe that’s too lore-heavy you’re looking for is Brox’s axe, the Axe of Cenarius.

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Don’t get it if you don’t want.

I don’t, I pass on basically every free reward WoW throws out unless I earn it passively.

I only chase stuff I actively want, be it limited-time or otherwise.

Remix MoP is a whole mode dedicated to FOMO items lol.

Honestly, I’d have no issue bringing the old items back, if they remained just as hard to get- like Mage Tower weapons/sets.

Or whatever the hell they did with Naxx armor.

I guess I’m fine with BMAH even if I don’t like it, it keeps rare items rare but also semi-obtainable.

I used to think it was cool because i assumed it was a difficult to get/legendary quest chain type item. But uhh, reading this thread kinda kills that vibe. It basically just means “i played a warr in vanilla”?0


Vanilla and TBC. It wasn’t removed until Blizz decided to copy/paste Naxx into WotLK.


I mean Zulian is still here. Just on the BMAH, and regardless of whether it got reintroduced or not I’d still use it because I worked my butt off to get it

That’s my point, you worked hard to get the item and thus it has value.

If it’s on the Trading Post, so such attachment.

because it is a paladin weapon - that’s like asking for everyone to be able to wield the shards of frostmourne from the frost dk artifact.

Most people want the bruto for the easy AH, not for the mount itself.
I’d swap the Yak for any other look if it kept the transmog/vendor NPCs.

As a matter of fact, most people don’t even notice what others are wearing in game.

You should transmog for you to feel good about your character, not for others to stand in awe of your choices (except in the trial of style).

I’ve also posted before that if Blizzard MUST, they could make the challenges similar or finally put that !@#$ scaling tech to good use to “fix” a challenge’s difficulty in time, only ever adjusting when new skills get added.

And I say that as someone who farmed Ashes of A’lar in Wrath for months, and it was no easy feat back then either.

I made this character just to farm MoP Remix rewards and wouldn’t mind seeing all of those in the trading post later too, despite the dozens of hours it took for me to get them all.

In the end, most of those “”““prestige””“” looks are ignored and forgotten in someone’s collection.

Wouldn’t it be much better to have people who actually want to use them have access to those looks?

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If that was the case, why are people asking for Corrupted Ashbringer then?

It hasn’t been obtainable for years.

Someone saw it, on some old player/account, said “I want that!” And this whole thread follows suit lmao

Transmog exists, btw. People do indeed look at their characters lol

You are being very naive if you think the OP here isn’t someone who has been looking for this for years.

It’s not new.

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No, but it’s certainly being noticed by folks that aren’t wearing it themselves.


Try reading the whole post.

It’s just hypocritical.

If you truly didn’t look at other characters and their appearances, you wouldn’t be here asking for Corrupted Ashbringer.

Just saying it how it is.

Same with removed mounts, anything really.

Not necessarily in other characters.
Most, if not all, in-game models I do know about come from WoWhead articles, not from seeing other players using them.

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Lol most players don’t know by default what WoWhead offers.

Most people see something in-game, then look it up on WoWhead and find out it’s an old or unobtainable thing.

Maybe new players. Not old ones, and certainly not the OP.
Also, the discussion shouldn’t have shifted from “prestige” to source.

Regardless of where someone saw “thing”, it should be available to them, even if it took some serious work (or buyout carry).

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