Corrupted Ashbringer Wasn't a Challenge Mode Item. Bring It Back

No, you can literally have 99% of obtainable items. Keep true legendary items exclusive. It’s a 20 yo game, there needs to be borders between newschool and oldschool gamers.

how so?

I think that’s exactly the reason why they shouldn’t (probably even won’t) bring it back.


Side question: was Corrupted Ashbringer actually powerful in Vanilla?

Yea. It could steal about 10% (200 or so HP) of someone HP on it’s procs. If you got super lucky it could proc back-to-back such as 2x in a row and have both procs be crits and you could drain some people by almost 500 HP and then that is given to you.

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Strictly speaking lore, the original Corrupted Ashbringer was a death knight weapon, and that’s why it’s a little strange that the Legion appearance is instead restricted to paladins. That’s what we get for having a legendary weapon that’s connected to lore for two different classes, though.

It was decent for damage and the proc could be nice under the right circumstances like a SP paladin build, but it’s well short of something like Might of Menethil which also doesn’t come with a stamina penalty.
It wasn’t the best but it was miles from bad, and it would keel.

I mean :grimacing: … They kind of threw that logic out the window with the artifact weapons in Legion. lol

:eyes: … {Awkwardly slurps slushie} :person_shrugging: Big ole whoopsie there.

Additionally I find it hypocritical that Blizzard will argue:

  • Ashbringer is a lore-heavy weapon.
  • Atiesh is a lore-heavy weapon.
  • Frostmourne is TOO MUCH a lore-heavy weapon.
  • Shalamayne is TOO MUCH a lore-heavy weapon.

And yet Gorehowl? … It’s just a pleb epic weapon, dropped by a raid boss & then again later with an updated model by a dungeon boss :joy: Absolutely a HUGE proportion of an FU & erasure to the degree of a notable ‘sacred’ artifact amongst them.


Thank you for mentioning this.


Wasn’t every weapon in Legion a lore-heavy item?


I think given CA’s importance to the lore it shouldn’t be in player’s hands at all and should be given back to Alexander Mograine, leader of the Knights of the ebon blade.

All players who have the model should have it replaced with a foam sword that vaguely resembles it but not really.

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Prestige is an illusion.
There should be no gatekept appearances in the game.
Keep the items themselves rare if you must.


Nah, it was harder than a Challenge Mode item to get, lol.

It was back in 2005-6, when people had spotty internet connections and crappy computers. And then you also needed 40 people.

Even if it wasn’t “hard” by today’s standards, it certainly was back then.

That’s why so few have it.

You couldn’t easily stomp old Naxx during TBC, so many were stopped from going back there just to farm it.

You also had to grind with Argent Dawn to even get in there, attunement and all that.

It was hard work, and honestly those who have it deserve it.

I’ve got this Argent Dawn tabard from TBC launch, but if it became easy to obtain from the Trading Post or whatever now, I’d throw mine in the trash lol.

The entire point is that it’s an old item you can’t get anymore.

If everyone is special, no one is. If prestiege was an illusion, people wouldn’t chase items like the brutosaur.

Folks want the shiny stuff that others don’t have.

Well, no, it wasn’t, because the item was available not just in Vanilla, but through the end of the Sunwell raid tier. It was literally a random raid boss drop and was only removed due to reusing Naxxramas.

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They do now.

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My point is that it was still semi-hard to get, even then.

You had to get attuned, and get some other party members who also were.

A 70 couldn’t faceroll lvl 60 raids, you still had to pay attention somewhat.

I got my ZG tiger during that time, using the “stump trick” on Thekal, some classes couldn’t even solo him.

Point is, it’s not like today where you go back and destroy a whole raid solo for mogs. It was still very difficult even for 70s.

And it was only around during TBC as well, you had one expansion to try it out if you didn’t raid it during Vanilla.

Having to pay attention and have 4 other people who were similarly awake is not the mark of a challenging item, it’s the mark of a normal dungeon drop. The “prestige” of the item is to have run the raid, including a full expansion after its release, and gotten lucky. Not skill expression at any meaningful level.


For sure, luck is a huge part of it.

I had no idea stuff would be removed, but I’m sure as hell happy I got it lol.

All I knew is that I really wanted that tiger at the time, so I wouldn’t rest until I had it. Farmed every reset.

I do wish the Zulian Panther replacement looked a bit similar, had the armor or something like the tiger does.

Corrupted Ashbringer, the original, might not be obtainable any longer, but the revamped Legion one still looks very cool.

Idk, if you wanted the items, you either worked to get them, or you missed out. That’s just how it was.

Same deal with the original Brewfest Ram, I got one the first Brewfest. And they removed it the following year. Lol.

It’s no different from other FOMO aspects, and all live-service games are gonna have as such.

And it should come back, because it was in no way a challenge of skill expression to get, it was random drop items from their respective instances that only went away after one (or two) full expansions. Even by Blizzard’s argument about not bringing back items that were from challenging content, the Naxx weapons and the Zulian tiger should both be reintroduced.

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Yet they gave every paladin the actual Ashbringer during Legion. And made an updated appearance of the corrupted version, obtained through a giant homage to all the myths about how to acquire the real sword over the years.

I think the cat is out of the bag on this one.

Besides, “prestige” was a sort of BS excuse ever since it was first mentioned in this game in relation to ANYTHING.


Lol, if they come back, it’s just a +1 to collections, and nobody uses them because they’re no longer rare.

It makes the old collectors pissed off, and the new folks that get it won’t even use it because it’s not special to them like it was the older folks that had it.

Idk, doesn’t seem like a win-win to me lol.

It’s just erasing prestiege/luck of those that had said items.

Better off making new items entirely instead of asking for old graphics, but that’s me lol. It looks sore compared to current items, that goes for the mounts too.

They’re simply old. Bringing back old stuff isn’t gonna make people excited.

They could bring back that AQ battle-tank mount that only one person got per server back when AQ gong was rung, and I’d personally feel no attachment because I didn’t do the special thing to earn the bug.

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Objectively false, people have used many returned items that were no longer rare.

If someone gets bent out of shape the RNG item they got is available to someone else, that’s nobody else’s problem but theirs.

Just like nobody’s ever used any T3 armor, or any of the twitch drop items, the trading post old mounts they brought back. Except all those things were used by people, so, again, incorrect.

Nah, they can do both. These items returning is in line with their stated philosophy, they were not challenging items, they were played at the time and got lucky roll items.

It literally did in the past, repestedly.

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