Corpsegrinder NPC

What statistics are these? To my knowledge no reliable statistics have been given at all.

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There are websites that scan the armory for stats lol.


lol what? I mean, if we didn’t know you were trolling before…

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Not a good measure because you can AFK out of losing BGs and have a high win rate and join into BGs that are already lost so a lot of factors can confound a method like this.

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I’ve queued up for about three dozen brawls… The Horde hasn’t won a single one… I’m still trying to complete the quest for it.

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“Because something happened to me, it must be true for everyone”

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Considering I’m not the only one That qued up for that battleground/brawl…

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They shouldn’t have and now they won’t /shrug. This is one thing I give zero fks about. It should have never been added in the first place and just reflects the absolute lack of morals those people in charge of the game had back then.


People wasn’t so sensitive back then. That’s today’s problem.


Timing has a lot to do with it I find. In my own experience Horde does better at peak times and Alliance usually does better on off-peak times.

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This subject you are Norma rayeing about was a sensitive issue even back then sorry it should have never been promoted or idiolized.

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Dave Chappelle has complained about people being oversensitive since his show in the early 2000’s. Next.

You could land different teammates for each game, and that would still be a small sample size with respect to the game’s population.

Objective biased.

lol… what?

Thank you for removing the NPC based on the real life person. It erases all the negative and bad things that have happened surrounding Blizzard. We did it, guys… we won the internet!

Give his dog a pvp tag.


I mean I know it’s biased, that’s why I said ‘I find’.

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Worded wrong…

The “biased” argument is objective.

No, you won the internet! With your toon’s name, as well as the guild. :laughing:

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…You guys know this isn’t bitcoin, right? Like, there is no blockchain or method of regulation for the token whatsoever.

The original concept was player A buys token for cash and lists it on AH for gold, player B buys token for gold, amounting to gametime=$20 or its gold equivalent through the Token.

Except that is almost certainly not how it works…

The price of the token is determined by Blizzard and the algorithm they use to moderate it. It’s completely artificial, and Blizz can manipulate it at any time for any reason.

If 400 people wanted to buy a token for gold, but only 200 people bought the token for cash, there is literally nothing stopping blizzard from supplying the tokens for gold at a value they determine, regardless of anyone bought them for money.

It LITERALLY is made from thin air, and all we have is Blizzards word that they are running that system like an honest market.

So I frankly don’t buy(lol) the sentiment that,
“lOl SoMeBoDy ElSe jUsT bOuGhT iT iNsTeAd!!1!”

I think they will sell independent of their artificially created supply and demand, and Blizz and their algorithm set the values based on what user activity they would prefer to promote.

But y’all just keep on sucking down that trust in papa Blizz…

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