Corporal Maga. Needs. To. Go

Wonder why the OP is so against an orc paladin named after an Egyptian Deity?

I think I threw up a lil when I read this, lol.


Need more. Love the name

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OP giving me knock-off Aviela vibes


Considering Blizzard protects advocates :tm: which all they do is literally harass the LGBT+ people and delete anybody calling them out, i’m not surprised they are once again their letting this thread run it’s coarse again, when it should’ve been stopped the moment i’ve linked OP’s previous thread.

~hmmm~ I’d say that that’s a matter of perspective, since one could easily stipulate that this was more due to Japan attacking the U.S.A. than by any virtue of “Greatness”.

In the same vein one could repurpose your fallacious argument (non-sequitur) to establish that the Stalin-lead Russia was just as “great” because if it weren’t for Russia in addition to the U.S.A. then Europe would all be speaking German as well.

In other words: You certainly have not provided anything that really refutes the expressed opinion that one cannot make something “great again” when that something is - on personal level - not considered as having been “great” to begin with.

Yours or Shred’s?

Side note: Falls man Deutsch wirklich bevorzugt in einer deutschsprachigen Umgebung lernt bzw. lernen kann, was sagt das dann über die Großartigkeit der Nation aus, die verhindert hat, dass die deutschsprachige Umgebung sich nachhaltig über ganz Europa erstreckt?

In freudiger Erwartung der nun absehbaren Strohmänner und Beleidigungen.

What a life you must lead where your day consists of looking at something from decades ago and getting mad it reminds you of something you don’t like

I agree, Corporal Maga needs to go, they need a promotion. I say we need General Maga.


How did the OP not get a vacation for the misinformation on the last hateful post about the same thing. I know Its ok when that side does it.


You misspelled “greatest”.


Im offended by trolls. ^_-

Yea nope.


Cause it wasn’t misinformation. :3

Proof of it needing to be changed is all the people in this thread trying to call T even a ‘good president’.


“its not misinformation when it supports me, but is misinformation when it is against me”

The ones saying T was a good president are entitled to their opinion, and you are entitled to disagree with said opinion. You and the OP are just wanting something changed to force others to your views.

If this is such a big deal, why not ask for a counter part that has a name with the initials BBB, as in Build Back Better?

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Misinformation has to do with facts, not feelings.

Incorrect, as it’s factually untrue.


Misinformation can be twisted facts.

Only for biased people that cant see anything done by those on the other side as good. I am not saying T was the best president, or even among the best, but there are areas where he was good, and areas that even some who voted for him, like me, were like “wat are you doing you idiot?”

Another one of those people, who are afraid of strong progressive women.

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In this case, it wasn’t twisted.

Most of the things people point to him as doing as ‘good’ was usually policies put in place by a previous pres, or something that is now harming the country itself. Thanks for admitting to voting for them, though; very telling.


Hey, when the choice is poop or crap, what are you going to pick?

Also, while I did vote for him in 2016, in 2020 I went for Libertarian Jo Hogenson

Maybe you should update some thicker skin.