Corporal Maga. Needs. To. Go

Corporal Maga was literally added over a decade ago, well before the MAGA slogan was even a thought.

Renaming her over this would be ridiculous. It’d be like if the Pokemon Company renamed Abomasnow because Obama took office shortly after it came out because people said it made it sound political. Lol.

Much like you, not interested in arguing politics. People know I’m gay, so that should be plenty to explain my thoughts.

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Corporal Maga did nothing wrong.

After all these years she’s just a Corporal?

Women getting looked over for promotions yet again…

Thanks a lot, abomasnow

My name is sasarai, and I approve this message


You really had to Necro a closed thread? Do you really have nothing else to do?

OP posted this topic last week.

It was flagged as inappropriate.

Blizzard unflagged it and blocked people from flagging it again.

It was finally deleted, as it should have been.

OP posts the same topic AGAIN.

It was flagged as inappropriate.

Blizzard unflagged it and blocked people from flagging it a second time.

You really can’t make this stuff up.

How many violations of your own company’s forum code of conduct can one moderator (team?) ignore?


I don’t know man I’ve never held them in high esteem… so… a lot?

The only thing that makes sense is that a member of Blizzard is pretending to be a subscriber in order to bring this nonsense up, and act like the player base is asking for it.

The Bad Orange Man isn’t President anymore.

Time to stop screeching about him.


Yes you can, it just makes for an intensely poor story.

Can the OP just shut up and go outside to touch some grass?


I appreciate all the support on the topic.

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I love her name.

How many crimes can a cop ignore?

As many as they like.

I mean, this is the same team that lets one user in particular with countless alts that all have very similar names post bait topic after bait topic with seemingly no actions taken against them out of fear of drawing the wrath of a certain group.

I hate being this intentionally vague on the matter, but any additional info would most likely result in an actionable post. I’ll just say that anyone here posting or browsing on a regular basis likely knows who/what I’m referring to.

Anyway, when that’s the sort of team you’re dealing with, it quite frankly opens the door very wide for an “anything goes” mindset. Of course, the problem is that the mindset only goes one way. Try to say anything against it and you get booted faster than you can blink.

The real problem is that the damn rules aren’t enforced equally at this point, and it isn’t just here. Look at social media in general. It’s become a mess everywhere, and it’s honestly getting really annoying as a select few are practically making it impossible to have a civil discussion anymore as they just weaponize the rules against everyone they disagree with.


That’s super paranoid and delusional

There a a lot of unresolved legal issues where he needs to account for his actions…

No one is screeching lol, but I see you being very vocal in his defense…


You must be new here. It makes perfect sense.

Sure…this time we’ll get him! (attempt #46464487) lol good luck!

Show me where I defended him in any way. (spoiler : I didn’t)

In fact, I really hope he doesn’t run again.


I’d take 2019 over this stuff any day.


Yep, no runaway inflation, people weren’t obsessed with pronouns and Trump’s Tweets were a non-stop source of entertainment.


My guess is they figured they could try it on an alt.

I did not change characters to make another thread. Please do not spread false information.

Why did you create another thread on this?