Corporal Maga. Needs. To. Go

… why is this still here? They deleted the other trash thread, but this one stays?? It’s literally against their own CoC.

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Like a Laptop I 'heard about’ was called, with the Biden crime family.

rent free (10 characters)

Definitely not the one that’s going to set policies back many, many years and has zero political experience.

Ah yeah, the anti-vaxxer who hated masks and any ‘mandates’ on people in general but is happy for mandates for their own beliefs.

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Wow Orange Man really lives in your head huh? Too bad that.

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The only place that guy will be living, is in a small cell wearing an orange jumpsuit.

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See, this is the kind of response that makes you look like you don’t really know why people vote the way they do.

One does not have to agree with the one they vote for 100%, I mean I’d be surprised if most agree even 51% with the one they vote for, but people will either vote along party lines or for the candidate they think is best/agree the most with.

Like I am against mandates for all, but am happy with guidelines to follow and tend to feel if you give people choices, they will follow along with what is best, but if you force them you activate that dang “you can’t tell me what to do” attitude and have to fight against that.

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Choose a woman who isn’t low IQ tic tok star, and I’ll consider it. Im guessing youre trolling on a 46 warrior, but jesus…

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Youre never gonna change his mind. Dont waste your time.

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Eh, even if s/he does not change their mind, as long as other read and think about what is being said, i don’t consider it a waste of time

Going for someone that has VERY poor covid response decisions is a big one.

I know people usually don’t vote for someone they believe in, but then you can’t turn around and say that objectively T wasn’t a poor president.

I pointed to something and it proves true, imagine that.

You already disproved yourself with the whole voting scenario in the first place.

So you’re for abolishing all laws, regulation, and government then? :thinking:

Ah yeah, misgendering too with the slash even, oof.

When he goes, can he please pick me up some Starbucks? I’m just way tired this afternoon.



Understood. You do you!

Going to the extreme, gee, what a shocker.

I am in a rural area where a lot of the “mandates” happen naturally, I would have had no issue with mandates enacted at the lower levels of government, I.E. City and possibly county, but state and federal was too muck

I refuse to use they when talking about a single person, I don’t know if you are male or female behind your toon, if I know such, or know your preferred pronoun, I would use that.

Once again, you are judging people based on your perceptions. Maybe think a bit before opening up the social justice handbook.

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What the hell’s wrong with the name Corporal Maga?


Nope, that was your argument. That you can’t ‘mandate’ anything.

Ah so you’re the type that’s happy about the Roe V wade outcome then. Oof.

Then you don’t respect pronouns or anyone that uses them as such.

My pronouns are they/them.

Just on factual stuff, if it was simply ‘perceptions’ then how come I’ve been correct every single time so far?

See what I mean.

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Oh you sweet summer child. You still think the ultra-rich go to prison.

Nope, that is what you made it out to be, without asking for verification

Yes, because it puts it back to the states, if the whole country really wants it, they should handle it at that level, like some conservative states already have.

Because one can take the facts that support their side and dinimish or ignore the ones that don’t. I have never argued who is right or wrong, just that you are more or less arguing one side without knowing where the other is coming from, and refuse to even entertain the idea that they have a different perception, that forms their arguments, from you.

I asked, actually. See the question mark?

Thanks for continuing to prove my point, always the “I’m totally not right wing but I did vote for T.”

You mean where it’s not voted on at all? :3


Just like all right wingers, “Rules for thee but not for me.”

You are yet to follow the advice you’re trying to give others. Reminds me of a certain Florida Gov who was against federal aid for natural disasters but was first in line recently when it came to their own state.


hahahah, was maga even a thing when this game was being developed before you were born back in 2007?

Either way, Madeleine Roux NPC in the modern, relevant game is far more disgusting. To the point where Wowhead doesn’t allow comments on her page there lol

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