Corporal Maga. Needs. To. Go

Well, what did those people do, besides walk around taking pictures - after cops let them in?! Why do you think most of said “rioters” have been getting acquitted? Judges looked at video footage that clearly showed cops waving them in, and dismissed the case. It’s not trespassing, if an authority figure grants you permission to enter. And do you honestly think said “riot” would’ve happened if President Trump’s request for National Guard troops defending the capitol wasn’t denied?

Furthermore, I’ll bet you think all those “peaceful protests” during the summer of 2020, in which buildings were burned, cars were destroyed, and innocent people - including Police, paramedics, firefighters, and even children were physically assaulted and murdered, were completely justified.

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Can’t make something great again when it has never been great to begin with.

That’s not realistic, that’s fearful and ignorant. You either want to be ruled or you don’t.

Figure it out.

I support them ethically, but I don’t find it interesting. Watching Sylvanas ruin Azeroth and the Shadowlands was like watching a one-woman women’s basketball game.

No riot is or was ever completely justified.

Just WOW man!!

You do know that if it were not for America, Europe would all be speaking German right?

Mind blown.

Counterpoint, but why does the forum software allow players to do that? Why is each character treated as it’s own account?


Sehr gut. Ich liebe Deutsch.

This is trolling


When are you guys going to fight? stop talking all day.

Guess this would apply also huh?

Deutsch Deutsch lernt man am besten in einer deutschsprachigen Umgebung.

What is wrong with him? Why does he needs to go? They didn’t replace that Madeline Roux NPC why would they replace some random NPC?

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Oh hey, concern trolling.

/Gets popcorn


No, I relish the challenge.


/Dives on Lovefool and hugs him…

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This thread is like watching targaryens have sex.

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This x2.


Tell me you’re the type to throw a tantrum at a retail staff without telling me


Patronus, you can put those silly pronouns in quotations if you want. Don’t let any one tell you that you can’t.

The biggest issue I have with people today is their sheer lack of being able to compartmentalize. It’s a pandemic of its own.


While we are at it can we please get “Mal’Ganis” name changed? I mean it literally has MAL in it, yeah that means BAD! Bad things that make me feel upsetti spagetti inside need to be removed from my reality! Blizzard its your job to censor all the meany meany bad bad things from my brittle existence lest my entire reality be shattered by reading a word similar to the Spanish word for BAD

(Also Mal’Ganis has the word “maga” in it and I am literally shaking once i realized these same letters are also in THE BAD NAME of Mal’Ganis!!!)