Corporal Maga. Needs. To. Go

Yea! Politics!


Literally an opinion article piece but go off. I also stated ‘it depends on in which area.’

Trump is one of the few single-term presidents and the only president to be impeached twice btw


That is what he should be called.

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Ahh, your ears are working again.

Also, why you’re dismissing what James Buchanan did by saying “literally an opinion piece”?.. I’m pretty sure Slavery is way worse then like 90% of the things Trump did. (Exclusions being the Jan 6 riot and his terrible handling of Covid-19 back in 2020 of protecting us citizens)

I don’t think it’s fair.

An act of God couldn’t stop the Civil War from happening by the late 1850s.

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Ahh, dang that wind is back. Heard someone for a minute but now that wind seems to be carrying that voice off elsewhere.

That’s fair, i just think we should remind ourselves that the other presidents did worse or just as equally bad things as Trump. (again, exceptions may or may not apply because they do different things) The only reason why Trump is popular use as a punching bag is …well, because he’s pretty recent. In the same way why Biden is popular to use as a punching bag.

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Hello, I see you replied to the thread. I want to apologize, that might have been me! I had some pretty crazy chili last night, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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Great going Ed, your wind made them go deaf. :joy: /j

Well i guess i know which terrible thing you’re okay with then Pawser.

Again, quick and speedy recovery to your ears, it must’ve been terrible to not hear anything.

I propose they add a silent H.

I’m sorry but no.

What Trump has done is unforgivable, and I’ll bet people will still bash Trump even 50 years from now. Because he was truly deplorable and never again shall we have someone like him as president.


Right you are.

However, I’d consider the weapons of mass destruction lie that lead to the death of 100’s of thousands of people to be unforgivable.

I’d also consider lying about a chemical weapon attack to invade Syria which lead to the deaths of 10’s of thousands of people to be unforgivable.


Oh yea, i totally agree.

Infact, he shouldn’t even be president at all. The first time i’ve heard about him, it was the one time where he assaulted a reporter or something. And him just acting like an entitled manbaby on twitter and to anybody who disagrees with him. He is pretty bad.

And hopefully the US would take that as a lesson to not just have anybody as a president.

Me personally, i once thought you needed a college education to become the president… and atfer Trump, that should definitionally be a thing.

My point bring, Trump is a part of the list of the worst presidents, and there’s many more that we ought to not forget as time moves forward.


We understand we just don’t care.

I. Can’t. Take. People. Who. Do. This. Seriously.


Trump is college educated. He graduated from U Penn.

But we have some members of congress with no college ed. Like Lauren Boebert. She dropped out of high school and worked as a waitress. She completed her GED to run for Rep. Imagine her being elected President.


Ironic coming from the extremist. You defended the capital riot.

Your opinion is less than worthless.


Until Trump we never got to hear our POTUS on tape proud of sexual assuault.

Edited to be less offensive.

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Hey not to go a bit off-topic, but why is this thread linked to that “Trans Lives Matter” thread?

I have a genuine question.
Why do people use alts to like posts?
I saw this post get made, and within a minute it had 5 likes, with 2 of the 3 visible profiles, having all the same achievement dates.
It’s not like this is some truly controversial opinion on these forums, so why astroturf it?