Corporal Maga. Needs. To. Go

Eh, I don’t want to hold it against 2008 blizzard that they didn’t predict something that happened 7-8 years in the future when they named an NPC who is only phased in to give you 1 quest.

But at the same time, this thread has already existed, and been closed, so I’m expecting OP to be given a vacation.


Yes there is, my sister went to an all Catholic school and if you weren’t Catholic you weren’t accepted. Like why would I make this up? According to me, they refers to more than one person I am entitled to my opinion. But, if you want me to refer to you as they (with no quotes this time) I will, but you still wont be satisfied, do you see a pattern here?


…They did predict coronavirus back in vanilla though. And how people dealt with it in the first hour essentially.

Again, that schools ALLOWS religion it doesn’t EXCLUDE it. Feel free to link any private school that excludes ALL religion.

Ask yourself that.

I’m satisfied with you referencing to me as they/them without quotations especially since you apologized for it and just didn’t brush it off like it didn’t happen like others do so I appreciate that, so what pattern exactly?

So now people can’t be named Maga? Dear Lord, don’t people realized that the B-Word and Fa-Word meant something completely different till now! Can’t say anything anymore without someone thinking it’s offensive or political!


I’m gonna bet a soda can if somebody can actually make the word “The”, political and offensive somehow. :rofl:


Don’t, actually. Because then i’l be sad for humanity.

Someone go tell J.R.R. Tolken that he’s being homophobic when Boromir goes off to gather a “bundle of wood” during the fellowship’s attempt to cross Cahadhras.

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I just gave you an example, and it’s common sense. A school for Protestants are obviously not going to take a Catholic for example. The pattern that you will always find something to be angry about.


Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Many wackos on the left said Blazing Saddles was racist when the entire movie’s premise is mocking racists, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


Oh My!! lets Change his name to Captain Maga. I have been playing for years and never noticed the guy.

And quite a few people are getting sick and tired of it.

Or when smokers in Scottland (and maybe other parts of Great Brittan) are being so when they light up.

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MORE trolling.
This poster ALREADY HAS a thread on this same topic.

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MAGA = Make A Game Awesome!

Make it awesome blizz.

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Yet, it’s still a religious school. Again, you didn’t address my point. I stated there’s no NON-RELIGIOUS schools or schools ONLY for LGBTQIA+ despite the thousands of private schools for specific sects of religion. Private schools just can’t be made with whatever they like, the only ones that GET a free pass for being exclusionary based on belief and such ARE schools that choose specific religion.

lol. Cant probably tell us how, exactly, other than he hurt some feelings.
Lowest black unemployment in US history til a biblical plague was set loose.


Let me ask this then, is there anything stopping such from being made?
If yes, an issue that needs addressed
if no, why doesn’t anyone do it?

Probably because non-religious people tend not to care what religion you are unless you bring it up first.


Yes, because it would be considered discrimination to exclude ALL religion as well as to exclude heteronormative people it seems.

There’s a reason you don’t see agnostic or atheist branded private schools.

There’s also no Satanism related private schools because they get struck down and disallowed.

Same thing can be said for quite a few religious sects that do have private schools, all I’ll dignify with a response to you.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Well duh, why would there be?! Those types of schools would be completely unsustainable! There aren’t enough kids to support those types of schools! Between the lack of numbers, those schools would still be dealing with other private schools deal with: the fact many can’t even afford to attend said schools!

If that were true, they wouldn’t be around very long now would they?! They are private because they have to be able to make a profit, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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In addition to this, all but the most ardent atheists (barring the one mentioning it going overboard) would likely be “you do you, just leave me out of it”.