Corporal Maga. Needs. To. Go

No not going there, you almost had me though

This is the same person who created a thread about how when “they” log on people are constantly saying racist and homophobic things.


This is what you consider strong and progressive? :point_down:


Yeah, shouldn’t be separate schools for ‘religion’ when it’s denied for any school to make non-religious ones or schools specifically for LGBTQIA+ etc.

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Those are private schools though, and they can do what they want.


I would still let ones like Buddists, or other groups, NOT related to the you-know-what party wear them but if I saw one who follows the beliefs of that party wear, I’d likely call them out on it. I mean even native American tribes used similar symbols for agers, I could claim it is part of my heritage as I have native American blood. Ones like the OP would demand that if I had such though, I should be thrown in jail.

I am getting sick of crybaby Karens calling for changes to things that either don’t matter or other people enjoy because it “offends” them. Guess what offends me, people so stupid they can’t grasp that different groups or people see things differently, not all of them with the most negative light. You don’t see me asking for them to be banned do you? Maybe I should, see how far that goes, and anyone that complains about such, but asked for things to be changed because they were offended would be met with “if you want to change things because they offend you, and you offend me, why should I not ask for you to be removed?”


That is my point, you are spot on. It is okay to disagree but people like “they” make it personal by name calling and reporting posts they don’t like. I don’t lie when I say this person posted that “they” literally look for things to report on game and in forums.


Not true, actually. Feel free to check into the denial of any private school that excludes religion or specifically just for LGBTQIA+ people.

Sound like quite a karen yourself, so very upset by peoples forum posts. They’re just words, right? They don’t matter.

Sounds like you’re trying to deny a bunch of posts because it offends you, it’s ironic how many times you contradict yourself in your posts. You’re literally what you’re trying to call out.


Look I don’t know if you’re having a bad day or something but you really are coming across as just looking to start a fight and thats like, not cool.


Tell that to

This person that decided to start a fight with me in multiple threads and mock pronouns by putting them in quotations.

Oh please already.

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This is the dumbest thing I’ve read in a while. Shame on me

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A private school can accept and deny anyone they want. There is a private school here called Harmony and students that are low or considered behavior problems are immediately kicked out of the school, thus why their test scores are so high.

A private company can make their own rules just like Blizzard or any private school.

FYI, was not mocking you by putting they in quotes, this is new to me and I apologize, I will just post they without quotes from now on.

Again, untrue. Feel free to cite some examples like LGBTQIA+ only schools or private schools excluding those that are religious.

Hint: you can’t.

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I have been in education for 24 years so I think I know what I am talking about. Yes a school can pick and chose when it comes to religion but not sexuality.

Why? Disrespectful why? I don’t understand.

A.K.A. what their doing is Harassment essentially.


yet they are the ones that would claim to be harassed and try to get others in trouble.


It is, and based on the reports earlier post have gotten it is quite obvious.

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Clearly not, you even continued to claim they and them is only plural and argued with someone that actually teaches about it in another thread.

False, there’s no private schools that are allowed to exclude all religion and again, you just disproved yourself at the end. Further, not everything in LGBTQIA+ is what you claimed. T is for Transgender, I is for Intersex, and Q can stand for Questioning.

Feel free to quote where I name called someone, btw. I didn’t, but you continually spread misinformation and lies.