Corporal Maga. Needs. To. Go

Yep. It means I don’t want people stalking me while I type. You can literally find anything in my profile with a search.

And I haven’t been toxic at all in here. You and Doness are the ones being hostile.

I made a comment on why the mods aren’t doing their job. You got offended and came after me. Doness decided to do his usual toxic hostility.

Get your facts straight please, thank you.

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You are asking people to live a horror story and potentially sacrifice their lives for something that may not live in the end depending on the health of the mother, even worse is the potential reaction of the mother to such a thing.

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You do know when it’s 8 months in it’s almost exclusively because something has gone horribly wrong?


Why does making it graphic matter? It’s unflattering, but it’s a unflattering procedure, and 8% or something of abortions happen after 13 weeks, which is roughly where D and E would begin to be a possibility.
Just tell it for what it is, it’s bad marketing in your eyes.

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Didn’t we already have this topic already and it was closed?

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Ideally, I’d want both to survive, but if it comes down to the mother or the child, I’d side with the mother every time.

You’re playing hypotheticals. You don’t know that.

There are plenty of examples of the opposite.

I read a story about a surrogate wanting an abortion because the couple decided they didn’t want the baby anymore. The baby was due in a few weeks. There is no medical issue in that story.

Like I said, if it’s to save the mother’s life, then I support saving her life. This isn’t Game of Thrones where the mother is expendable so the king can have his male heir.

This is what I don’t understand. If 92% of abortions are done within a time period that 99% of us agree with, then why do we have to have this argument?

The crazy religious right that make up a very small piece of this puzzle aren’t controlling the topic, yet the left loves to make it out like they have total power to create laws.

They don’t.


um…This forum has rules.
What he wrote was made personal by directing it at me and it wasn’t accurate. A fetus isn’t a baby.


Yep. No one knows why mods are so inconsistent. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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First step to genocide, dehumanize them, first. Just like what happened with the LGBTQ+ community, POC, the Jews, etc.

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Yes with states voting on it
right back to where this
all started

just speaking truth to evil

Yes, we do.

Everyone knows why.


I think ‘our side’ prefers to let this decision be between the patient and their healthcare practitioner. There’s a whole list of issues and complications that can arise during a pregnancy that can result in a mother wanting to make that decision at any period of time.

It’s already a difficult decision as it is, and it doesn’t help that there are a bunch of people who then end up demonizing her, and feel like it’s their right to decide what she should do with her body. Whether you think it’s a selfish decision or whether there’s a legitimate cause for it should be none of our concern. It’s only the concern of her doctor, and whoever she entrusts that information to.


I’m starting to wonder why it’s almost always men that think they have some right to tell women what to do with their bodies, lives, etc. it’s like worry about yourselves.

Also no offense to the men that aren’t acting like undesirables but the rest of you are pretty cringe.


It’s an exact repeat of the thread the op made before and yet now the mods have flag protected it .

I think every topic now should be flag protected now even if I don’t agree with them seeing how Blizz has pretty much said they can’t prove certain topics are trolling .

If that’s the case then they can’t prove any are and should just leave them all up and not the troll threads that fit the Mods personal opinions.

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I’m not playing your game of hypothetical people who put up with the majority of a pregnancy before having an abortion of choice as being as likely as it being due to complications that crop up.


Why is it a “difficult” decision to begin with, if there’s actually “nothing wrong with it”?

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That’s my perspective on something I’ll never go through. Someone who went through will be better at giving a real perspective.