Corporal Maga. Needs. To. Go

It was quite graphic, but it was also quite accurate.

You should do some research.


“TOO graphic, for a Public Forum.”


You’re missing the point besides being wrong.


Please begone troll. You sound extremely rude and toxic. Welcome to my ignore list.

Also you have a hidden profile. Everyone knows what that means.


D and E abortions exist. It’s a overwhelming minority of them, but they do exist.

You sound “American-brained.” Even if the consuitution sucks, it can be rewritten.

I refuse to argue with people that can’t be bothered to do a 5 minute search on google.

Believe whatever you want to believe. I am done trying to convince your group of anything.

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late term abortion is rare, and in those rare circumstances is usually only done when there is a serious medical issue with the mother. we’re talking people that almost carry their children to term and planned for a baby, probably picked a name for them too.

we can argue about fringe cases all day. but the majority aren’t going to indulge you on the 1% if even that.

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The 14th Amendment is in the Constitution.
There’s always been a back and forth from the court on how they interpret it.
But, yes, it can be written more clearly and also amended.

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Of one procedure, that’s been left behind as other less graphic sounding procedures have been banned by state legislatures.

And medicine is messy, and again, for the most part, if you’re that far along, the procedure is a medical necessity to protect the health or life of the mother (or a miscarriage or non-viable fetus)

So what you’re saying here is that because you’re queasy about a medical procedure that we should let people die so that we can ban it.


I’m aware, also a fetus isn’t a ‘baby’.
It didn’t help that he made it personal as well as graphic.


Yes, I agree. Though, I’m saying that even if what he was saying were true, it can still be changed


Maybe the term abortion is not the right one in this case, maybe if they are so rare, it needs to be promoted that the doctor is doing everything he can to save the baby and the mother.

If the baby is far enough along to live, maybe as a priemie, then it should be allowed to if at all possible.

I said nothing of the sort…but feel free to put words in my mouth, and tell me what I believe.

It’s what your side does quite often.

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LMAO!!! Thats funny

Which one is it?


Or. We can prioritize the health and life of the actual person involved so they can stay in the lives of the people they love, and children they may already have, and if possible try again.

If you’re telling ghost stories about a necessary medical procedure in order to ban it that’s exactly what you’re saying.


starla and me aren’t the same person believe it or not.

weird gotcha attempt.

I thought you didn’t speak to people ‘on my side’ or ‘my group’.
How about you trying not being so obnoxious?


I’ll explain this once for you. Read and comprehend please.

I agree with having “the procedure” if the mother’s life in danger. Every time.

I don’t wish for it to be banned completely. But I also think having “the procedure” when the mother is 8 months into it is a bit much if it’s a reason OTHER THAN a life threatening issue.

I believe somewhere in the middle is a fair compromise, but your side tends to demand the complete extreme.