Corporal Maga. Needs. To. Go

You do know in his concurrence that Thomas called out the case that made BC as a whole legal in the US as one of the next targets for getting axed by this reactionary activist court like RvW?


It’s where all the excitement happens though.

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It’s knocked my faith in human intelligence down several notches over the years.

Not the trolls. The people whom cant see the oh so obvious hook in the bait

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Well this reminds me of the last presidential election. I voted for trump first time. I hate the political parties but I’ve tended to vote republican and was ‘pro-life’. Then I saw how bad trump was and how really bad a president he was. My sisters told me (as good pro-lifers) that I had to vote for trump or I wasn’t really pro-life. I told them I wasn’t going to vote for him.
They both told me I have drunk the kool-aid, needed help and cut me out of their lives.

Didn’t you open this thread already and it got locked, and removed? Isn’t reposting a locked, and removed, thread against the forum rules?

the Supreme Court was right
the Constitution does not
grant the right to have a
abortion or kill the unborn
i carry one in my pocket

Every discussion board I’ve ever been on it’s the same. We have the common sense rules, ‘Don’t feed the troll’. But there’s always people who just need to respond in kind.

Conspiracy Theory Time.
Posts like this drive lots of people to engage with the WoW forums. Blizz then ignores the context and says they had 1 bajillion social media engagements, so our brand still has value.

They ruled wrongly.
Look up: The Constitutional Right to Reproductive Autonomy: Realizing the Promise of the 14th Amendment


So, do people actually agree that the name should be changed?

Uh huh. I’m sure if they were just nicer to you, you would totally start voting for the Dems.

Like I said, you’re just using a boogyman as a shield. Just admit you don’t actually care about reproductive rights when it comes to voting. It’s ok, most right-wingers don’t. They were “shocked” when the candidates they voted for ran on getting it overturned, got it overturned. They’ll still continue to vote for them.

Lasagna sounds good for dinner tonight

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I had chicken tenders and veggies.

It looks like most people think it’s ridiculous to change it.

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Y’all are like a group of seals fighting over one fish.

And most of you would lose a battle of wits with the fish…

This post should have been deleted yesterday, and the OP should have been penalized for reposting a thread that had been deleted.

But those pesky rules are annoying…am I right?

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I might if they actually came across as if they were listening to what the people were saying.

Why would I admit something that is not true? At worst I care, but see other issues as just as important and vote for the one that covers most of them.

If reproductive rights was voted on in a vacuum, without other factors, like security, the economy, employment, I’d be voting for them, but since there are many issues I have to choose what ones are most important to me.

If you are voting for or against someone based only on 1 factor, don’t complain when you get what you want but have to say pay through the nose to get your family the basic necessities to survive.

Yes and yes.

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Hence my theory that this is all being done “internally”, if you are picking up what I am throwing down…


That isn’t what he did.


personally I think that supreme court justice nominees should require an almost unanimous vote as they way they are filled in now aren’t previous judges and lawyers that are meant to uphold the constitution but rather political party members appointed at the flip of who dies in who’s office.

People might argue that it will take a long time, but I’d argue that’s exactly how a lifetime seat should work.

But what do I know.

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