Corporal Maga. Needs. To. Go

‘comes across’? I haven’t seen this anywhere but I’m sure some people are. I certainly haven’t seen much of a push for abortion all the time anytime.

Correlation doesn’t equal causation.

Again, there are equal extremists on both sides. I just think most (not all) people don’t believe in abortions. That’s just my opinion, though.

Regardless, if I’m “Pro-Life” is really irrelevant, here. I never believed this to be the case, for anyone (not just women). I don’t believe we ever had a right to do what we want, with our own bodies, ever.

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Let’s see… Are we on our second hand’s worth of fingers counting how many actual children have been forced to flee Ohio for their lives (and an abortion) yet?

It’s not going to stop and it’s not going to get better until we give women their human rights back. Anyone who thinks it’s going anywhere but worse otherwise isn’t being honest with themselves.


It is how the right-wing media paints those who come out against things like restrictions. Or those who say things, like the heartbeat bill, are unconstitutional and infringe on the rights of women.

I believe that most on the left would be willing to accept reasonable restrictions, but we don’t always hear from such.

Oh, we are, out issue sometimes stems from the idea that we are treated as extremes because people paint all of one side with a broad brush instead of figuring out where individuals stand on issues.

It’s how I’m seeing the rise and influence of the movement to stop bc and abortion. I’ve lived within the trad catholic community, know people who are leaders in the pro-live movement. I know how involved they are in government and politics. We’re seeing the results of how long and hard they’ve worked to get where they are to effect laws.
I hope I’m wrong but moderates should be aware of the extremists they might be effected by.

I am. There’s more of Moderates than Extremists. I truly believe that.

Well I hope we all try to find the facts. :hugs:

Mute the thread, there is nothing wrong with my post and I have avoided fighting with anyone.

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That person is toxic is hell. Don’t worry about them.

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I may disagree with you, but I don’t think your post is wrong for existing. You should be entitled to your own opinion.


Well don’t say I didn’t’ warn you.

No one is pushing you away. You made up your mind a long time ago.

There is no “extreme left” with any power in the US. You’re just using a boogeyman to justify why you still vote for the right while they gleefully erode people’s rights away.


I think we’ll be OK. I never would’ve thought RVW would be “overturned”, but I guess I was wrong :slightly_smiling_face:

Wrong. You made a second duplicate thread after the first was deleted (which is against the rules) about politics, that’s also against the rules.

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Says the one constantly acting toxic on this forum, who does nothing but harass me and stalk me in every thread, liking anything that disagrees with me out of some psychotic obsession. Living rent free in your head.

Because generally if someone’s getting an elective abortion it’s going to be early term, and in the overwhelming majority of late term cases it is an unwanted necessity. A case where someone who wants the pregnancy has had a complication that means they will lose the child they were hoping to have.

And the more restrictions on those cases the harder they become for the people who need them medically to get. We’ve seen enough stories of people investigated because they had a miscarriage. This is an extremely rough situation for anyone to go through, and legal hoops and criminal investigations are just unneccessary cruelty added for no reason.


Ok. But if you’re inclined or have time you may want to do a quick search for ‘anti-birth control’. Maybe you’re already aware though.

I appreciate how quickly ppl will chomp any bait post

Ok, first of all I may have made up my mind, but no one is “pushing me away” don’t make me laugh. All it takes for some one the left to come down on ones like me is for them to hear I am pro-life, it does not matter if I try to explain I am fine with it if the mother’s life is in danger, if it was due to rape, incest, etc. They treat ones like me like crap just because we don’t kow tow to their every desire.