Corporal Maga. Needs. To. Go

I suppose that depends on what definition of hypocrite you’re using. I would agree.

Except that I would use immensely more restraint when throwing that word around.

how again? Because he made lefties upset? lmao.
NOT a test of a good president
Lowest black unemplyment in US history.
One of the highest number of minority startup in US history.
yeah, I get it…that means nothing to a leftist.


If you lived where I live you’d agree with the two toddlers analogy.

now…Im DONE with this thread again…


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Might, might not, I live with 2 toddlers and some politicians make them look like angels.

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The only BC targets I’ve seen is against Plan B and IUDs.

With how often you go to bat for Trump, you definitely have 0 issue with hypocrites.


or a republic
trust me i was born
under communist rule
what you see from putin
now is just a taste of
whats it like to live under

I (personally) don’t like Plan B. I took it once and didn’t like the way it messed with my stomach.

It was an amazing thing to see. We had new voter registration numbers breaking records and the voter turnout also was record breaking for a primary. I just hope we don’t become complacent before November.


BC is a good tool against abortions.

Attention Pro-Lifers, BC is NOT your enemy. It is your best ally against abortions.

Women should have these rights by our US Constitution, imo. It’s basic human rights.


While I don’t agree with you on Trump, I do agree that AOC is a bit nutty. Working two jobs is not really a stellar thing. In fact a person working two jobs is because he/she can’t get a stable employment and would earn poverty wages.


Most (not all) Pro-Lifers are not against BC.

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The extremists want no abortion at all, no exceptions. They’re the same ones who will take away birth control if given the chance.


Extremists are everywhere, regardless of which side they’re on.

Most (not all) are not extreme and don’t believe in the removal of ALL BC.

They might be against some (not all) of them, but I highly doubt ALL forms of BC will be completely outlawed.

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the Constitution gives you the
right to vote,
just not to abortion
if you dont like the laws
vote to change them
so we agree voting rights
are a good thing.

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I think people who want restrictions on abortion like exceptions and want birth control are going to be sorry that they’ve been keeping company with the more extreme members to get where we have. It’s because of the Catholic and Evangelical ‘pro-life’ movements that we have to thank for the reversal of RVW. And now they’re into every political group across the country and on the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court was wrong about how they interpreted that. We will get back to a nationwide right for women to have the right of privacy and to their own bodies. It’s our right.

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Sadly, the extreme on the left comes across as wanting Abortion at anytime, for any reason, they are the ones who push us who want exceptions and things like BC, away.

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