Corporal Maga. Needs. To. Go

Pretty crappy pimple of a hill for you to pick to die on.

The country is divided. Fine. No need to be over sensitive on a little levity.

Go eat some yellow crayons. I hear they taste like lemons.

looks like they flagged your post here while THEY are evidently allowed to bash the other guy, lmao and these BIASED “moderators” go along with it lmao


:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:


I just poke fun at the concept of “nobody should have a say in what to do with our bodies”, when that’s already been decided by a state like Texas telling you “no abortion for you with a heartbeat”, and this was BEFORE the “overturn” :laughing:

I don’t see how people thought they had a “choice”, prior to the “overturn”.

personally I put this trolling trash on mute and some biased moderator pulled me back into it.

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Lol, we might not agree on some of the stuff you are saying but I was legit just saying about how this thread was copy/pasted from the one that was shutdown and yet somehow restored so yeah it’s beyond annoying.


like i said…you jokers can bash that guy but then you whine to biased mods when WE bring up bidens OBVIOUS mental decline
nothing worse on this planet than a hypocrite


Generally any further impeding of rights is frowned upon. Slippery slope is not always a fallacy. We got people debating on outlawing BC now.

And what is that, son? lowest black unemployment rates in US history? Most Minority startups in recent history? what part of it are you tossing fits about…exactly…other than your feelings got hurt? lol

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a bunch of word salad with not a single FACT to prove your case.

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Did you know: You can respond to multiple people in one post, can even quote people multiple times in the same post instead of spamming a thread with a ton of posts (Something against CoC?)


And AOC who supposedly has a degree who thinks low unemplyment rates = working two jobs lmao


I may be pro-life, but I will join to ensure BC remains. As a few of them serve more than one function and not just avoiding pregnancies.



Not liars, not thieves, not bullies and abusers, not murderers and monsters?

A measly little hypocrite is at the top of your priorities.

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The thing is Democracy can be 3 wolves and 2 sheep voting on what’s for dimnner
The kind of democracy in the US is better represented by:
6 wolves
5 sheep
4 bears

Where the bears can side with either the sheep or the wolves and still be fed or suggests something that feeds both but not at the cost to the others.

I can’t wait until the forum mods start handing out bans, for posting in a topic that shouldn’t even be up.

The irony tastes like favoritism…

What’s hilarious to me is they truly believed that, they would think T is the worst president ever indeed.


hypocrites ARE filthy liars. and cheats and abusers.


More like two toddlers fighting over a Oreo.

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That is the upper levels of the parties only :stuck_out_tongue: I was trying for more the general populace representation