Corporal Maga. Needs. To. Go

Nothing else needs to be pointed out than this:

So what you are saying is that if a state that’s run by men dictated that they want to put women “back into the kitchen” you are happy with that, because … that’s what you said

Not to mention that the Roe v. Wade decision wasn’t just about women’s rights (don’t talk about abortions, just cut to the chase - Roe v. Wade was to provide women the rights of their own bodies, end of story) but also about privacy rights such as the rights of homosexual relationships, to summarize it briefly, something which states now with Roe v. Wade’s wake has talked about removing proving the point about it ultimately

Besides, if one believed in the US constitution by how it was designed and meant to function by its founders, Roe v. Wade was a constitutional right as it has been a right for over 20 years, which was how often constitutional rights were meant to be introduced into the constitution (and even if you go by the absolute extreme that means that Roe. v. Wade would’ve had to mathematically wait 39 years, Roe v. Wade was a matter of fact for over 50, it still falls into the category of a constitutionally protected right)

Being happy that Roe. v. Wade was overturned just proves you know nothing about your own history, and just stuck to learning about American mythology as opposed to history

Edit: Either way - this was originally just a troll thread, and now it has gone into the deep end of politics, and bigotry, so… I highly recommend everyone to just mute this thread and wait for its deletion


I’m starting to think the movie Idiocracy was a prophetic message more than a mere comedy.


Except, when I ask to not be referred to as “CIS”, they refer to me as such, anyway. “Rules for thee but not for me”.

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t Kansas recently vote, in a state wide referendum, to keep the right to an abotion?

Sorry, which party had the governor that mandated masks and social distancing then was caught flaunting those same mandates and ignoring them for parties? oh, yeah, democrat.

See, what you are doing is attributing things to just one side when it is mot a right/left issue but people in general. I might be right wing, but I am also human. Has anything I have intentionally done, made you or anyone out to be less then human, or have I kept it to all are human and subject to all that means.

Oh, look, another one that thinks they know what I am meaning. Let me spell it out for you: If the law is left to the states, the people in that state, men AND women, as well as anything in between, can vote on such, if the state governments block the vote, the state should be held accountable. If the state allows the vote and goes against what the people want, that is again on the state.


I never believed in Roe vs Wade. Even before the “overturn”, the states were already telling women WHEN to have abortions.

Even if Roe v Wade wasn’t overturned, I still couldn’t have an abortion, in a state like Texas 'cause a heartbeat would’ve been detected. I’d still have to go to a different state, to do so.

Doesn’t sound like complete control over my own anatomy, to me.

I never did, actually. You know this, given you just did the whole “Rules for thee but not for me” spiel right after I posted it. I stated I felt it was quite silly but I still never referred to you as cis (Not all caps, because it isn’t an abbreviation for each letter btw)

After the fact, instead of before defaulting into ‘old’ laws and many such states again have not put anything to a vote. I would also ask that the vote only be allowed for Women since it’s in regards to their bodies.

Quite a few governors, which is just telling of governors isn’t it?

Though if you want to keep playing that game how many right wing ones ignored them for sports events and all other related parties in general?

Nah, you go “Buh that one person on one side” when the argument was that basically all of one side does certain things. :3

Is this referring to pets, or are you referring to people as ‘things’?

Very telling you liked that post, then, to be honest.


Yes actually. Ronald Reagan used the slogan before Trump.

So did Bill Clinton and a whole slew of other more and less noteworthy politicians.

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Our kansas supreme court has already stated that women have the right to abortion. The referendum that we voted against was trying to take that right away from us. Now in the November election the republicans are trying to have another vote that will amend our state constitution to take away the rights of women.
Getting really tired of the hypocrisy from the right in regard to this matter. In the end they have no principles but will say and do whatever they can to get elected and try to take women’s rights away from them.


lmao…funny how bashing trump ISNT trolling but mentioned bidens OBVIOUS health issue is lmao


It is not the first, but if I come across as the latter, my bad.

I still see gender as binary, you are either male or female, but I also wanted to catch those who are transitioning. as well as hermaphrodites.

I am a right to lifer for both mother and child, as such I have little issue with abortions up to viability or in cases like rape, incest, etc. I also would prefer it if the family of either side got a say in it, like if the mother does not want the child, maybe the father does, or the grandparents/aunts/uncles/etc. of either side. I will also note I am for things like birth control being made more readily available.

I hope that vote gets shot down or goes against the republicans, as for ones like me, who try to be more middle ground, we see the ones pushing for them, and sadly most of the dems, as being on the extreme right or left.

Not gonna lie, I was very impressed by the outturn of women that showed up and supported that because it’s a fair right and it’s inspiring when women lift one another up.

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Gerrymandering exists. People at the state level often cannot “just vote” as the system is often rigged.

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whats funnier is the abject HYPOCRISY of this TRASH forum where YOU all can rag on Trump but if anyone DARES to mention BIDENS OBVIOUS mental health issue some BIASED moderator sends us a nasty memo lmfao

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Likewise, with the opposition.

Despite whether we’re “pro-life” or “pro-choice” is irrelevant.

I don’t believe RVW “protected”, anything, as certain states were already doing what this “overturn” is perceiving (keyword) to “allow”.

As every state has different abortion laws with or without RVW.

I remember blinking at that paragraph. Boromir was so awesome in the book. bragging about human strength getting Hobbits through the snow but admitted that a couple of people with shovels would have done a better job

Anyways, I think the fan of “Rings of Power” thought Tolkien was Sexist/Homophobic/racist and whatever else ist they can tack on him and thinks the show is doing a great job correcting that.

hardly lmao…she doesnt even know how to figure unemployment rates

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Cmon my dude!

All she did was to call for the death of all white dudes…

Nothing extreme or anything!

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here is one time where
the government stepped back
gave the rights back to the States
where it should be
for a democratic vote
and the left cries “democracy”