Coronavirus: Are Our Scientists Lying To Us?

A freaking men.
US has a very bad case of trip over a dollar to pick up a penny.
Texas is a good example. They didn’t want to spend a few million on winterizing the plants, so now we get a 15 billion + bill. Plus foreclosures, bankruptcies, ended careers, deaths. And they have yet to actually fix the problem, still.


I’m trying to stay out of this thread, but just wanted to say that’s a great expression! As a scientist who must therefore be lying, I may steal it, throw question marks at it, and profit.


It’s where your job informs you that there was a COVID incident at work.

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You are most welcome to it. It may b a Southern expression. Another one we’ve made good use of at work is when they want to rush things past QC checks because WE NEED IT NOWWWW
“So, we don’t have time to do it right. But we’ll have plenty of time to do it over?” Unsaid: On the weekends. In Overtime. After throwing away all the material we just wasted.

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Ah ok. That’s a foreign concept to me. Here if you worked at a store and one of your co-workers walked in carrying, it’s headline news and our contact tracing people from the health department come in to make sure everyone gets tested who works with and come into contact with that person. The business is also shut down while they deep clean.

Case in point, a couple weeks ago we had a case. That person was an idiot, went to the gym and work. Everyone got tested including customers, deep clean was done, I think it was about 5 more people got infected from that case. Because of the densely populated area, that city went to level 3 lockdown (click and collect, no public gatherings etc - not full lockdown). A week or so on, they’re out of level 3 and life is back to normal with zero new cases.

I’m guessing you mean, “every study since Covid”. Because I too have looked deep into medical journals and by and large each one essentially says, masks definitely stop droplet viruses, but hardly even mitigate airborne diseases. Again, this is why I HAVE to wear an N95 into a room with a TB positive patient. And also, again, please read carefully: If you are close enough in contact with someone to catch a droplet virus, you are definitely close enough to catch airborne. And if a surgical mask does so well, even when I go into a Covid positive room, why on earth can’t I just wear a cloth/surgical mask if it slows the spread? Why do I HAVE to wear an N95?

I’ll tell you why: Because surgical masks and cloth masks DO NOT stop airborne.

I’ll say it again: the last numbers I read which was about this time last year (from medical journals), cloth/surgical masks might mitigate your chances of getting infected by 3%. That’s essentially a guarantee of catching it.

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You are absolutely correct! Masks work incredibly well against droplet viruses. They do not in fact, work well against airborne. This is why everyone has been wearing masks and yet we are still seeing a constant stream of infected people. If they worked that well, Covid would be almost non-existent at this point.

If washing your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, or using a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol is sufficient to protect you from infections I have wasted a lot of time and water in the past.

Confusing simple things a person can do in public to limit the spread of a communicable disease with procedures used when treating an infected person is apples and oranges.

Go to the journals and research papers for conformation if you want, but keeping it simple (we are posting in a gamming forum) here is a summery from a CDC bulletin.


agenda 21 depopulation plan 1,755 dead by vaccines alone.


I don’t really trust the CDC. When there are verifiable reports of people who were in motor vehicle accidents that apparently died of Covid, it tends to make me skeptical.

Here’s the article if you’re willing to read it.

 https: //wpde. com/news/nation-world/ man-who-died-in-motorcycle-crash-counted-as-covid-19-death-in-florida-report-07-18-2020

So yes, I believe medical journals over CDC every day of the week. And now we are finding new studies done from Stanford and the like that are showing these mask (unless N95) mandates have been worthless when coming in contact with covid.

Again, surgical masks may stop the droplet portion of the virus, but it WILL NOT stop the airborne portion of the virus.

And if you’re close enough for droplet, you’re definitely close enough for airborne.

I don’t trust scientist at all tbh.

I just had a friend of over 40 years die from Covid, today.

It’s not a hoax.
It’s not a joke.

Whether you trust scientists or not, don’t take this lightly.

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Fun facts about covid: If you are obese, Type 1 or 2 diabetes, have metabolic syndrome, are very old, or have certain pre-existing conditions, yes, this and every other virus is going to be fairly damaging to your health. The problem lies in the fact that Americans by and large aren’t healthy. You have 4-5 times higher risk of dying of covid if you are obese versus someone who has COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).

Is it a hoax? no Is it funny that people are dying? never

If we were more healthy as a society, this virus wouldn’t have done all that much to our nation. Just reporting the facts, not trying to cause a stir.

We get it. You put your feels over facts.

Tell that to people who are freaking out with CDC about no longer wearing a mask. But hey they said trust the scientists…well as longs it fits their agenda.

No one is, but nice strawman.

I guess you’re missing people on twitter how they don’t want to take their mask off and state like NY, CA, NJ, MA and VA aren’t removing mask mandate even CDC said u don’t need a mask…sure…

Not taking your mask off isnt “freaking out”. But nice false equivalency.

taking ur mask off and not wearing it in public is. Next week I be doing that.

I wonder how many people who are keeping their masks on for other reasons.

I’m one of them, because of facial recognition software, efficacy against unpleasant diseases, and not making everyone else seeing my ugly face.