Corepunk, the WoW Killer?

lol, yeah. That should be a new genre.

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I’ll believe it when I see it.

WoW has 3 major advantages over new MMOs…

  1. it’s been out a long time. People who have been here for years will be less likely to leave, at least permanently.

  2. the game has a ton of content already and is forgiving to new players. The controls are easy to adapt to.

  3. the sub really isn’t that much in the grand scheme of things.

I have seen so many games come around over the years where people say “this is the wow killer” but none of which succeeded. Even many people who left for Final fantasy which is its major competitor right now, still play WoW.

Ultimately WoW not going anywhere. and after seeing game play of Corepunk… I don’t really see that it’s going to be a competitor for WoW.

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Time is what will kill WoW. It’s getting old, they can only update the graphics so much and the same old mechanics and borrowed power stuff is getting boring and the story really isnt as good as earlier xpacs.

People saying “WoW has been around a long time so people are less likely to leave”, are very wrong. All my friends and people I knew (and I knew quite a few people too from gaming circles, school, ect) who played WoW for a while left ages ago for other games like Wildstar, then moved to Final Fantasy or other games entirely or just have no time at all for MMOs anymore. It being around a long time doesn’t really mean much imo. People also get bored and want something new after a while to try out.

I’ve never heard of this before so I looked it up. Lol it looks like one of those bad mobile games that has to use big boobied characters to get you to click on the Facebook ad link. Lol

WoW is not in danger from this one rofl

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No. Aside from WoW and occasionally WoT, I stick to single-player games.

Don’t think MMO DOTA is out to kill anything.

admittingly i was interested until i saw some of the forced pvp and ‘like wow classic’ comments and I thought this is wildstar all over again…

There is only one game that will kill WoW for good, and that is WoW. For years, all the way since BC have people been saying ‘The next WoW killer’ and nothing has ever come of it, if Final Fantasy with having a longer history and being around 7 years longer than WoW cannot kill this game than I don’t know what can.

Happy people usually are quiet people, as they’re content.

Angry people are usually vocal people, as they’re discontent.

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Looks like another “WoW killer” that WoW will kill off.

i would not

-hate player view while fighting/walking/running
-outdated graphics (please developers at least strive for realism nowadays, dont still adopt wow graphics)

-looks like pvp . if not optional then its an instant delete for me.
-looks 15yrs old already., slow.

-Everygame has a following, this new game will too!!
-I predict a mediocre following after a year of initial hype. down to 2 servers…100k players tops. (just my opinion)

I agree, gender locked classes… I’ll skip…

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After viewing the trailer, no.

There were good reasons to use isometric projection in the old games, but now?

Hell no. Why do you people insist on coming here posting this crap? See it every time some game comes out.

People need to learn that the WoW killer will and is WoW itself. The only thing that’s gonna kill WoW is when Ion’s stubbornness drives it into the ground.

I tried Lineage, but it just wasn’t my thing. I always find I can’t get into Asian mmo’s. Some of them are great, but not what I like.

But this game looks awful
I can see nothing compelling about it

It just looks horrible and sounds horrible

I doubt this game will even last a year let alone kill wow

Actually looking at it, the clases aren’t gender locked. You have a selection of “Heros” which there appears to be a male and female version of each and the class is separate from your hero. Class seems to be dependent on what weapon you are using sort of like FFXIV and you can swap out weapons and gear to change class.

Think Diablo but each of the characters are cosmetic and their skills are based on what weapons they are using. So say you have a female monk in D3, you give her a 2h sword and she has the skill set of a Barbarian, give her a staff and she has the skill set of the Wizard ect.

Going to be a hard no for me. Looked cool at first but its not really the same kind of game. Looks kinda f2p.

There will be no outside WoW killer. WOW will either die a slow natural death or die from something the Devs do.