Corepunk, the WoW Killer?

I dont think there will ever be a wow killer. Many mmo that has came out, were considered wow killers, but non succeed. Wow has a big cominity, many of us put in years of game play. Would you abandon wow if you spent 5 years playing? I know i would not. We all quit wow at some point, and we all comeback, well at least i did. Wow for me is for life. By far one of my top mmos ever played, and most fav game out there for me!

It sounds like the game is character locked. You don’t choose a class you choose a hero. That doesn’t sound like an mmo to me.

I can vouch for that. I lived through phase 2 of classic. Hands down the worst experience in my decade+ of WoW, and no I’m not exaggerating.

The real WoW killer was the death of WoW PvP. Change my mind.

I would play it but its not a WoW killer as the play syles looks more like diablo from the video gameplay linked in the OP.

Looks good though.

The actual “WoW killer” wasn’t another MMO but rather the introduction of MOBA games like LoL and Co-op shooters/battle games like Fortnite and PUBG.

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Uh did you mean Diablo killer?

Kind of true, League is amazing because you can pick it up and put it down anytime you want. Sure the matches are like 30~50 minutes, but you can also just feed and ff.

MMO’s are a huge time sink (by design) and extremely repetitive. The majority of the WoW base grew up and moved on. New genres have come and gone. When I was kid arcade gaming was still a big thing that everyone played. LoL and Fortnite will watch their player base shrink too as something new comes along.

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If that’s the case, then I’ll have a look, I despise gender locked classes, especially in MMOs and RPGs… but if what you say is true, I’ll dabble in it.

Not really. It just looks like a Diablo 3 sort of thing, something i’m not really interested.

I dont even get the obsession with the whole “wowkiller” thing.

Its more than a little annoying for instance to try and have a somewhat serious discussion on what seems to look like an interesting mmorpg and someone joins the conversation…“oh is that the next wow killer LOL” , “game looks dumb wont peel me away from wow”…etc.

I’m very interested in Ashes of Creation, followed it since it was announced years ago. My interest in that game has never been about “its a wowkiller” or conversely “wow will kill this game”.

I like its design philosophy it looks beautiful i like the node system its very different from any other mmorpg ive played. That’s my interest…if it fails it fails doesnt de value the game for me now until i played it at release. I’ll still play wow too.

Its very boring to never explore new games even just once in a while.

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WoW Killer is wow. There is a finite number of people in the MMORPG genre, really those that are well off and have time to play. The rest would do other games in their own time frame. There other MMORPG out there and they each take enough to profit or break even but if WoW keep on putting out garbage they would kill their own fanbase.

Getting classic online was a good idea as it brought back a large group of their consumer back to their MMORPG, evne if it is not retail.

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top down, click to move, yeah no thank you.

Has nice graphics though, just a shame they went the direction they did. It also looks weirdly like WoW (characters).