Core Race Pages updated - sigh

Interesting point about Sylvanas’s sisters. Alleria is not listed as the leader of the Void Elves and is technically…technically…not 100% bound to the Alliance. And if a Light-as-the-Bad-Guy expansion were to take place…an Alleria that has a reason to temporarily leave the Alliance to support her Horde-alligned sister is an interesting thought.

Either way Sylvanas is and will be a Horde-alligned character, that will never change, no matter what they do with the other Windrunner characters, no matter how much the anti-Sylvanas types whine about it. Sylvanas is part of the Horde.


None of the allied races have leadership boxes for some reason, but Alleria’s at least mentioned in the VE blurb. Sylvanas doesn’t even have a line in the Forsaken one. To me, that suggests they’re fumbling for a way forward without her, not preparing some Shyamalan twist to restore the status quo. However much better off the story would be for it after the disaster of BfA.

The last thing she did before severing her ties with the Horde was to grab a megaphone and make sure every swine in Durotar knew the Horde meant nothing to her. Even if she was willing to rejoin the faction - a very unlikely if considering her newfound attitude - why would its leaders welcome back the same tyrant they united to depose?

I don’t think she’s ever going to reconcile with the Horde after a divorce that messy. Especially when she’s cast off the identities that bound her to its races (the Forsaken’s banshee queen and Silvermoon’s ranger-general).


So this is Blizzard’s master plan to save the Alliance as a playable Faction - get all the Sylvanas fans to go from Horde to Alliance.


Horde player: Hey blizzard, the alliance have all those og WC3 hero still around while we only get 2 still alive with Thrall and Sylvanas. Its kind of unfair…

Blizzard: Ok so we’ll take Sylvanas and give her to the alliance.


One man’s tedium is another (wo)man’s excitement.


But Darth Sidious had other mitigating elements;

  • Intimidation factor (he’s more feared than Darth Vader and keeps Vader - himself a dreaded character - on a leash)
  • Manipulation skills (his rise to power, Order 66 and a track record of successfully turning Vader and nearly turning Luke, which might’ve succeeded if not for his last-minute gloating)
  • Entertainment factor (his haminess - the memetic “Not from a Jedi”, his villainous laugh and “UNLIMITED POWAH!”)
  • Power level (he’s able to easily slaughter Jedi and Mandalorians to name two, would’ve killed Luke if not for Vader, and gave Mace and Yoda a fierce fight).

For a stereotypical mustache twirling villain to be effective, they need more than to just do bad things. They need to be skilled in some way, there need to be personal stakes or they need to be entertaining in a love to hate kind of way. Plus, even Voldemort - another mustache-twirling villain character, still had a rough backstory.

Xe’ra’s either a badly written tragic hero or a badly written hate sink character (hate sink characters are supposed to have nothing to undercut the audience’s rage against them… which Xe’ra does).

It’s even worse if the character made to look ineffective/easily defeated (such as getting one-shotted by eye beams designed to kill a different type of being).

True, but the more popular Stars Wars villains than Sidious have more depth, such as Vader and Thrawn.

Is it as concerning as the fact that the Worgen heritage sets are bugged in the big screenshot they used on the Worgen description page? How did that get through like that? It’s so blatantly obvious that the cuffs are missing. :man_facepalming: Hope it’s not yet another incoming armor graphics bug.

Also, it definitely seems to be confirmed that Worgen are still not getting Gilneas back. I don’t even know why they bother with words like “seek to one day reclaim their beloved city.” If the intention is that Gilneas will never be reclaimed, just SAY that Gilneas will never be reclaimed and confirm that it’s Blighted for thousands of years or that the rest of the peninsula has finally sunk to the bottom of the ocean or something.

I think it’s perfectly fine at this point to just say that Stormwind is the new home for the Worgen/Gilneans and that they fight to protect Stormwind from meeting the same fate as Gilneas. If necessary, just add a New Gilneas District or something to Stormwind and stop presenting Chekov’s Guns that will never be used.


Actually Palpatine was on the ropes with Mace Windu until Anakin’s intervention saved his bacon.

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Can’t let Alliance races have any depth.

Stormwind is basically the Borg, and Anduin is their Queen.


Mace was winning, but Palps didn’t go down easy. I wonder what would’ve happened if Anakin didn’t show up. Would Palps have the kept the lightning going and fried himself?

Some people think Palpatine threw the fight on purpose. Because he needed anakin there to put the final nail in his descent to the Dark Side.


Thats what i’ve been told by the few star wars fan that i know. Palpatine is suppose to be on a other level than the other sith.


I like the theory personally. It fits with everything we do know about him


George Lucas said that Mace won. Palpatine didn’t throw the fight.

George Lucas said a lot of things about Star Wars though. He was beginning to destroy his own creation with the constant additions and remakes he did with the orignal trilogy. I get why people turned on him eventually


He also happily destroyed his own movie quality just in order to put more goodies that he could sold. The ewok was unfortunately only a start


Been checking daily to see if they change the Goblin page, figure if they plan on fixing these they’ll start with the most salient weird one

Nothing yet.


What does HE know? :slight_smile:

My only complaint really with the Lordaeron Crest is that i wish we could get it as a tabard ingame for Human players. That and a proper Stromgarde Tabard which should have been a reward for the heroic Warfront but wasn’t for reasons.

Beyond the Lordaeron symbol being iconic and historical to the Alliance/Humanity in general, i think the reason they continue to use it in representation to the Alliance/Humans in this is because they know as well as we do that Stormwind is dull and boring. Placing that old symbol here or there adds some nostalgia for when Humanity & the Alliance were interesting. Even if it really doesn’t do much beyond that.