The whole point of being a goblin is having the coolest and least practical ride!
Even into the afterlife!
The whole point of being a goblin is having the coolest and least practical ride!
Even into the afterlife!
Blessed as a synonym for holy, I suppose. Characters talk about “the holy Light” all the time.
The sad thing is that the Horde has been written to prove the alliance right in that idea of brutal savages.
Whose symbol is it, then, based on what’s presented on the updated website? These webpages should be understandable to a potential new player, someone who hasn’t even downloaded the game client yet, without any additional information from other sources. This is really not the place to be lacking clarity.
Adding a phrase to an existing sentence is shouldn’t cause information overload, and it would help clarify the Undead and Kul Tiran descriptions as well. If these pages are just a quick overview, they’re not doing a very good job, considering how many of them also contain lore errors or racially problematic language.
I understand that. That’s not my issue, which I have already stated. My issue is that there is absolutely no connection made between the word “Lordaeron” and the “L” on any of these pages. If you want people to respect what the “L” symbolizes for the modern Alliance, you need to give some sort of context that won’t lead people to assume that it’s the royal crest of the Wrynn family. Removing any words that connect the Icon of Courage to any human kingdom other than Stormwind doesn’t enhance the importance of Lordaeron’s history to the Alliance, it erases it.
This is great for people who have already tried out the game and decided they want to know more. It’s useless for someone with zero prior knowledge of Warcraft who just wants to know what flavor of elves Azeroth has before they decide if they want to download the client. It’s this latter group that the playable race webpages need to be accessible to first and foremost, and it’s also why the lore errors and problematic language on some of the other pages is so concerning. This is the sort of stuff that potential new players form their first impression of the game on, it’s really important to get right.
That’s literally the Blood Elf heritage armor; I take it you don’t play Horde at all? I see it in game all the time, I used some pieces of it as my go-to transmog for a while because it mix-and-matches nicely with one of the Sunwell cloth sets.
Isn’t the night elf armor the mail from Darkshore or that PvP season?
Yes, it’s the Darkshore Warfront Armor, not sure if it’s an accessible tint however
If you queue for Warsong Gulch and open the map, you’ll still find a scantily-clad female Night Elf next to a fully-armored male Orc.
I think it’s the Aspirant mythic set, which isn’t obtainable.
That could also be them trying to be sneaky and not “spoil” that she returns.
After all, we haven’t seen her “true-death” so far.
Pretty sure she’s got a line on the PTR about no longer considering herself the banshee queen or the ranger general, but only a Windrunner. I really don’t think she’s coming back. And even if she did, if her investment in Azeroth is no longer the faction she built or the kingdom she died for, but her sisters in the Alliance… would you really want her to?
which uh
Lets unpack what “surviving” genocide in undeath due to one’s profession (Ranger General) and being forced to become a spectral entity (Banshee) only to then reclaim one’s body and lead other undead into agency (Queen) only to eschew both one’s profession and role as leader as/of survivors in favor of one’s… family dynasty?
This is so tedious.
There is nothing wrong with your stereotypical mustache-twirling villain. People need to stop thinking there is something wrong with that. An effective antagonist doesn’t need to have some kind of abusive sob story to gain points with the audience. Nor do they need a logical but cruel reason to do something. I mean Darth Sidious is flat out evil. No tragic backstory with him and his motivations is flat out pure revenge and power fantasy. He is basically the Star Wars devil. Would you say that he is a terrible villain?
For Star Wars nerds? Not particularly, but there’s a reason why Vader is more popular.
You haven’t been around the star wars fandom have you?
Sidious is a very popular character. To the point that the fandom universally cheered when the real Sidious voiced the character in Star Wars Rebels Season 4 and was upset with the way he was portrayed in Rise of Skywalker. Which came down to the actual plot of the movie and not the performance.
I have actually, which is why I said Vader is more popular.
I was referring to the armor the NIGHT ELVES were dressed in. I was rocking that transmog on a couple of my Blood Elf characters And I prefer using pieces instead of the full set myself.
After Liadrin got overhauled into generic light zealot in BFA I’d say she’s the prime suspect for Horde side characters to get batted if the devs decide to do this garbage expansion idea.
Ah, you referenced the Blood Elves and I got confused, my mistake.
Baby steps Baal.
It’s still the Shattered Mask. It’s still the Undercity-style, Sylvanas-style Forsaken, and objectively not the Calia-style Forsaken.
Like you said…they hid the leader bit…could be to hide Calia…could be to hide the reveal that Sylvanas will return to lead the faction.
You never know.
EDIT: To be clear, Sylvanas should continue to be the leader of the Forsaken. Most Forsaken players signed up to play Forsaken in the full knowledge of Sylvanas. Since 2004 the race’s intro has made clear who and what the race are, Blizzard has waffled on that but this new race introduction page makes it clear that the Forsaken are, were, and continue to be the Forsaken.
EDIT 2: Also to be clear, flavor stuff like this is almost always written by enthusiastic interns and probably has no bearing on the future of the lore.
And she seems quite “alive” at the time!
So far they’ve not jumped the shark to nullify the conductor quest in Bastion; and its idea of a “true-death”.