Core Race Pages updated - sigh

Yeah, because of how WoW’s cosmology works, there can’t be any crossovers without major retcons.

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Not exactly. What’s left in the Scarlet Monastery, Tyr’s Hand and Stratholme after WotLK (until the latter two got killed and reanimated as Risen by Balnazzar) were the “at home” forces that stayed behind to defend their bases while the bulk of the Crusade’s armies in Tirisfal and the Plaguelands marched under High Commander Galvar Pureblood to relieve the Scarlet Enclave and ended up slaughtered.

Whitemane never left the Monastery and the Scarlet allies under Scarlet Commander Marjhan who helped us back during Kel’Thuzad’s first invasion in Vanilla also remained at Tyr’s Hand, while whatever was left of Dathrohan’s retinue in Stratholme also survived there until Balnazzar massacred them. None of them actually accompanied Abbendis to Northrend; she’d intended them all to do so, but her message to High Commander Pureblood to return home and prepare the entire Crusade to sail north never reached him. As of Legion the remnants of the Onslaught are still operating at New Hearthglen at least, while it’s unclear if their other Dragonblight outposts remain active or if there were any survivors from Onslaught Harbor up in Icecrown. The remaining Scarlets still back in Lordaeron during Cataclysm are there because they never left, and the leftovers of the Onslaught apparently never managed (or never chose) to return home either.


Maybe because almost all the race owe a great debt to the Alliance? Really, the two races that only had passing description about the Alliance were the night elves and draenei(and I would argue the Alliance is now/will have a huge influence in the future of the night elves).

Anyway, 1) can someone show me what was the original/unchanged version so we can actually see what was recently change? 2) I would point out the actually fixed the Alliance pandaren one recently. Not only did they make her female(as oppose to male) but she was a literal copy paste of the Horde one.

Oh please, if anyone is in the crosshair of that storyline it would Turalyon. But I honestly don’t think we are going there. The Alliance have dodged the villain bat before, and with the current state of the factions/the fact the Alliance isnt in a great shape raiding wise I doubt it is getting villain batted soon.

Have you seen the latest Hearthstone skins?

Don’t you take the Blessed Light away from my Shaman!!!

But if the Light Mother is AU Xe’ra, she’s going to be a poor villain. The Jailer is less one-dimensional than Xe’ra and had more foreshadowing… and at least he’s powerful. Xe’ra was able to be one-shotted by Illidan, so that’s not very powerful. Doesn’t seem like much of a villain, eh?

I’m not sure a Nathrezim could impersonate a Naaru. But influencing a Naaru… unlikely but more plausible (then again, Naaru can read minds).

Just going to point out they purged Sylvanas from the Forsaken race description cuz apparently a lot of folks have been missing that

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Bland power level has little to do with the real worthiness of a villain as a villain. All that mentality feeds is the willingness to dismiss threats to millions of lives as a waste of time just because there could also be threats to billions. Both are bad and worthy of fighting against for the same reason Superman still bothers to oppose Lex Luthor or Parasite when he’s previously fought Doomsday or Darkseid.

Besides, I’m not entirely convinced that Xe’ra didn’t let herself be killed by Illidan because it was what she’d foreseen in the prophecy she was trying to fulfill. A prophecy we’ve never definitively been shown or even had comprehensively described to us. Xe’ra getting herself destroyed by Illidan because it would ultimately lead into him helping us stop the Legion would be right up the same sort of alley as M’uru allowing its own capture and eventual destruction to ultimately fulfill Velen’s prophecy concerning the blood elves (and the events surrounding them that contributed to stopping Kil’jaeden.)


I mean the blood elf one is wrong to begin with. We’ve been told over and over again that Silvermoon’s faction of blood elves didn’t slake their magical thirst on fel magic, and stuck to draining the arcane from mana-bearing vermin. There was a whole subplot dedicated to this in Blood of the Highborne, and it’s the key difference between Azeroth’s BEs and Outland’s BEs. Chronicles flat out told us Kael’thas embracing fel was the the whole reason the playable group denounced him.

For years we were told blood elf eyes turned emerald due to living around those crystals empowering Silvermoon. We’re looking at a decently sized retcon to a number of sources if they throw that out and run with “actually they were just all chugging down demon juice offscreen”.

The Forsaken one is just sad to read. So bare-bones and directionless. Really highlights how little this race has going on without the character it was built around.


Some of the racial descriptions were good. The Zandalari, Nightborne and Gnomes had good descriptions imo. The Night Elves could’ve been better and the human description was disappointingly bland.

But power level wasn’t my only complaint, Raselle. While I see hints of more, what we got of Xe’ra so far was one-dimensional, even moreso than the Jailer.

If Xe’ra is to be villain, from what we’ve seen so far, she seems set to nothing more than a flat, mustache-twirling fanatic for the audience to get angry at when she does bad things and cheer when she dies; no well-written villain or character to hate.

I hope what you said about the prophecy ends up being the lore. I hope I’m wrong about an AU Xe’ra being nothing more than a punching bag for us and whichever edgelord character Blizzard wants to try and give cool points to… like she was for Illidan.

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Just to point it out, Xe’ra was one-shotted by Illidan less than a minute after being put back together again. It could be she was at full power right away, but it could also mean she was extremely weakened as a result.

It wouldn’t be that big of a retcon for a never-shattered Xe’ra to be stronger than a Xe’ra who was recently reassembled.


Perhaps. As I said, her seeming power-level isn’t my only grievance about how that character was treated. It’s like how Kael’thas was villain-batted, and worse than Malygos’.


Oh, I get all that. I’m not disagreeing with that, more just trying to point out the power level bit might not be a problem.


Is there any way to access the old ones?

wayback if anyone saved them + I think we transcribed them for wowpedia race pages


iirc there’s a wayback archive for webpages. Could the old race descriptions be there?

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I’m not surprised. They’d need to have spent more than four minutes thinking of the Forsaken and how to make them react to Sylvanas’ actions without making them look like idiots after whatever happens to her in Shadowlands and that’s too much effort for the Forsaken. They couldn’t even be bothered to mention the state of Undercity like they did for Teldrassil.


I love the way you phrased this. So accurate.


Exactly. The Sin’dorei in Silvermoon, who are the playable race as introduced in Burning Crusade, didn’t feed on fel, they fed on things like mana wyrms. We even see this exact scenario in the Burning Crusade cinematic trailer. They used fel for some infrastructure needs, like keeping buildings up. Equating the two or mixing them up is ridiculous. Iron is both required by humans to live and used in buildings, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go chew on some rebar to make sure that I don’t become anemic. Manawyrms = food grade minerals, fel crystals = building hardware. This shouldn’t be hard to keep track of.

So…why is the Alliance symbol used on the Alliance pages the Stormwind lion crest, but the racial crest given for Stormwind humans on the Human page is the crest of the Kingdom of Lordaeron? Anduin’s still listed as the racial leader, so it’s not because Turalyon’s decided to do some redecorating. There isn’t even a mention of Lordaeron on the Human page…though there is on the Forsaken page!

The lack of any mention of a racial leader for the Forsaken is ridiculous. Lilian’s been the official representative for the Forsaken on the Horde Council since 8.3 and is currently serving as interim leader. If Thrall can get a mention for being on the Council in the Orcs “To Be Determined” paragraph, then Lilian can certainly get a mention on the Forsaken page. It’s absurd how little respect she gets from Blizzard sources.


Well forsaken banner is still sylvanus, and stormwind get have both stormwind and Lordaeron which pretty well dumps all over forsaken heritage.

The Lordearon symbol has been Alliance for as long as there was an Alliance. Heck, it is the coin for Hearhstone’s United in Stormwind: