Are we sure these are actually updates and like, the intern didn’t just hit the “enter” key too early?
Also “freedom and hope” for the Horde still feels out of place, same with “stringent” for the Alliance. I’d go with something like “Honor and Duty” for the Horde and well, pretty much anything else for the Alliance.
Survival and conquest would be most appropriate for the Horde.
I just so desperately want Blizzard to separate the Forsaken from Sylvanas so they can have their own stories and identity without it looking like a high school creative writing assignment.
They are zombies.
They live in a sewer.
They like heavy metal.
They… don’t eat brains like normal zombies.
The stringent thing just seems to refer to the Alliance being the more “orderly” of the two factions.
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It’s pathetic.
Fine whatever, lean into Noble Savage Tropes for the Horde in Alliance imaginations.
But the counterpart of that is referencing the perceived Racism/Fascism thereby.
Alliance to Alliance: Glorious Defenders
Horde to Horde: Honorable Survivors
Alliance to Horde: Imperialist Racists
Horde to Alliance: Brutal Savages
I mean even the visual guide said as much
Yeah, I get that. It just feels like there could have been a better way to convey that.
Like referring to the Horde as “savage” has always been a term of endearment in it’s own way.
Stringent is just… out of place?
I think they just got tired of always using order this, stoic that and decided to grab a thesaurus and use something similar.
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Literally any one of us could write better summaries, this is tedious and pathetic.
Maybe these are just placeholders until the 10.0 announcement? I mean the faction descriptions were updated during BfA and they got roasted hard back then. SL has had next to nothing to do with the Factions as a whole aside looking for a handful of named characters that happen to be affiliated with them.
It’s possible (unlikely) that they get updated further when we know if/when we’re going back to Azeroth proper and they’re just trying to avoid potential spoilers… maybe?
I also may be giving them far too much credit because these seem SO incomplete that they can’t possibly be the final version.
Welcome to being a wow fan.
Audio Books
The list goes on Baal, why start and end with summaries?
“The indomitable Horde is driven by unity. They are fervent keepers of freedom and hope, relentlessly opposed to any who threaten these ideals, including the stringent Alliance.”
At this point I wonder if Blizzard is really that stupid or if they think that their players are that stupid.
Atleast I was spot on when I said that they were whitewashing the Horde and Sylvanas literally years ago.
“PUNY ALLIANCE DOG, YOU DARE TO COMMAND US NOT TO ATTACK!? ATTACK!!” (Raises axe and charges forward furiously… right into the vast ocean laying between Durator and Stormwind. Begins swimming furiously, holding axe handle in the mouth) “I’LL GET THERE EVENTUALLY!..”
Now, speaking on behalf of the Horde, I do need some clarification.
When you say “please don’t attack us”, you mean verbally, right? We can still hit you with our axes, throw some fireballs at you, maybe roast you alive slowly, slowly lower you into a vat of Blight, occasionally have our archers use you for target practice and all that. We can still do that, right?
Because I thought that was how we show you how much we like you.
… Have I been wrong this whole time?
… Crap.
Yes, but as I pointed out, the Human page makes no mention of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Seriously, the word “Lordaeron” isn’t even on that webpage, nor is there any mention of any of the other human kingdoms that were part of the Alliance of Lordaeron. It’s all about Stormwind, and Stormwind only. It’s also not just the Lordaeron symbol (I assume you mean the stylized “L”?), it’s the entire royal crest of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, with the shield, crossed swords, and hammer, with art that looks like it was taken directly from asset files for Warcraft III. To make things even more strange, the Stormwind lion is all over the Alliance pages, clearly serving as the Alliance faction symbol, but isn’t highlighted as actually belonging to Stormwind on the human page. It’s just confusing to use the Stormwind lion everywhere except for the place where it serves as the actual royal crest, and to use the Menethil crest in place of the Wrynn lion. I’m not debating that the Lordaeron “L” has Alliance associations, I’m pointing out that it’s really weird and confusing to treat the Menethil crest as if it belongs to Stormwind, especially since there’s no mention of Lordaeron anywhere to be found in relation to it. These pages are meant to be help out brand new players, and this sort of mix up is only going to confuse people who have no idea what Lordaeron is in the first place.
A lot of the issues are just text, it shouldn’t be that difficult to keep a few paragraphs updated to reflect the current expansion on a website. Even just updating things to reflect 9.0 and no further would be an improvement over whatever this mess is.
I’d write my own WoW story stuff, but fan content isn’t taken seriously even if it were vastly better. There’s just no interest in it.
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We’re back in bc, baby.
All of this former sourcematerial was released after bc, but on bc it was even descriptet that they consum fel and the entire civil war thing between highelves bloodelves was about felmagic produced by sacrifising creatures.
The problem with the return to this story is, the bloodelves are now the villian in this story if they used felmagic…
And not a grey but a black/white conflict
Turns out trying to whitewash and retcon your game via a flurry of twitter posts isn’t a great way of maintaining internal consistency.
Never saw the point of the fel use retcon other than as a transparent, retroactive attempt to soften the blood elves from their initially harsher depiction. Don’t care that they’ve backtracked (or, more likely, just mixed themselves up again).
The simple answer is that the symbols for the humans, orcs and night elves in WC3 were reused for those races in WoW. You’re right that using Lordaeron’s crest for Stormwind doesn’t make sense, but that’s the way it’s been since WoW launched.