Core Race Pages updated - sigh

Um … Is this an allusion to the lack of draenei in history “for reasons” or were they eaten (specifically the legs)?
Demon. Draenei hooves aspic. Well, nonsense.

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Gotta love how we’re just supposed to invalidate all of the Alliance’s most meaningful & historic moments. Anything that was Alliance prior to WoW is now Horde, ignored or neutral. Everyone recognizes that the current Humans & Alliance in general are dull, boring & flavorless. But we’re not allowed to suggest anything meaningful to make them interesting. Even just symbolic gestures to their more interesting past.

The Second War was the 1st Horde Civil War which concluded with one faction of the Horde locking the other faction of the Horde in internment camps.


Funny how events change the shape and nature of the world we live in.

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They’ve been much less of a presence as time goes on. During World of Draenor for instance, the usual role they played as decoratrive Mage NPC’s was taken over by Night Elves! of all people. In. New Dalaran, their spots in the Alliance sector were usurped by Worgen. After cataclysm the High Elf presence in Aerie Peaks was wiped out by the Horde and in the ones in the Plaguelands, Withered. The only surviving population of any number is in Outland and I suspect it’s because the place hasn’t been updated since Burning Crusade. They had absolutely NO preence, even as portal Mages in Boralus, and were entrirely absent from the Fourth War.

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Already done. We had the Draenei who split off to use Shamanism in Outland, which - after some discussion - was accepted. We’ve also had Draenei join the Cult of the Damned and the Cult of Twilight’s Hammer. It would’ve been cool to explore some backstory behind them, but we never got it.

More just that draenei have a habit of being randomly absent for large chunks of story with no particular explanation.

No reflection on how they may or may not taste on toast.


And yet they were still used for mages/hunters’ order hall. Heck, the Windrunner artifact was used for the hunter legendary. Not to mention, the high elves were part of Suramar inssurection and Vereesa(and technically Alleria because she was still high elf for most of it) was with us during Argus.

No it was not! In fact we do repel them and keep a Draenei/High elven settlement!

After this quest, and The Highvale Documents are completed, the entire melee will phase out.

What??? The portal mage for the Warfronts is a high elf! We have high elven artillery in the Siege of Ogrimmar and not to mention high elven mages creating barriers for the Airship in Stromgarde. Also, as per three Sister it is clear the high elves are still living in Dalaran.


But Garithos is somehow Alliance’s fault still. :wink:

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They were the portal mages on the 7th Legion airship during the Arathi warfront. Not to mention when allied races were added, several High Elf NPCs were added to Stormwind, wandering around.

The Silver Covenant is still a thing, they were just replaced by Worgen in Legion because it was a Greymane vs. Sylvanas type deal when it came to the faction conflict. They’re easily as present as Gnomes or Draenei (as much as it pains me to admit how absent some of my favourite races are).


I’m 100% going to beat a dead horse here, but it, to this day, amazes me how little we got of the Other Kalimdor Alliance race during the whole of BFA.

…I’m not sure I even remember seeing a named draenei who wasn’t Lightforged, and the only draenei I remember at all was the ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED one from the cinematic. Though I love him. And there’s like… one mission table that references Azuremyst. Velen is sad in one of the novellas, I think.

I wonder how Forest Song is doing. That was always a cool idea for a settlement.


And before anyone goes about population numbers I need to freaking point out the void elves are just a bunch of rogue researchers. Even with blood/high elves converting to void elves they are still logically fewer then high elves. Yes, I know word of Blizzard god says otherwise but that particular set of words was stupid.


Probably because the writers likely think that Alliance fans should only care about the Eastern Kingdoms.

The writers like ‘metal’ things and seem to dislike ancient races that are more peaceful. Draenei default to this, and Night Elves have become this due to years of defanging. So the writers flat out made up a brand new, edgier zealot flavour of Draenei and had them essentially usurp our Draenei’s victory.

And then didn’t use them in the War of Thorns anyway because they realized the ‘omg so badass’ orbital strike cannon would stop the Horde from killing Night Elves and having a new ‘metal’ moment.


That’s okay, the playable goblins fit on one ship.

ALLLLL the playable pandaren in one balloon. Darkspear and tauren were both reduced to a single small tribe that’d had the bajeesus beat out of them.

It is just one of my pet peeves from the people who kept saying for years high elves don’t make sense due to population numbers and yet Blizzard makes the void elves a playable race which has an even smaller one.

Oh please, we spent two entire expacs with the draenei being a major focus. And regardless of how it has turned out so far the night elves have had two expansion where their stories and themes are front and center.


I thought there were 10,000 High Elves in Stormwind alone, or was that retconned? Also, this thread isn’t about High Elves.

You really can’t sever him from the Alliance, especially if you’re going to turn around and claim that Sylvannas’s actions against him were actions against the Alliance.


Still not changed



Someone at Blizzard needs to replay the goblin starter area at the very least.


i don´t think they will change anything because some people cry about it. Neither i think they will change the exploring Kalimdor book, be ready to be disapointed, baal.

and i get the feeling that the wife of the exploring kalimdor book guy…is right, the official position of blizzard is, that their races are not based on real people, so it can´t be racism, so they can do whatever they want…