Core Race Pages updated - sigh

So i am going to pick from mop.

Mop: Human did as much or much than high elf and had even more reason to be piss since theramor was a human city. On the island of thunder, high elf are not even 20% of the alliance force compare to blood elf which are 100%. Once again, there is already enough human there to replace them whitout changing anything.

Wod. Nothing.

Legion: out of the 3 elf group, the high elf are the only one that bring nothing to the story. They could once again be replace with dalaran human orce just more BE and NE force.

Meanwhile the night elf were there to deal with friend of the past and end up pushing them away from the alliance. The blood elf basically bring them in the horde.

Bfa: 2 portal holder and 3 island expedition npc that can be replace with any possible mage.

Shadowland: nothin…

Indeed they do. :smiley:


Okay, let’s go into a bit of detail. Vareesa is worried about her sister and angry about her perceived betrayal at Broken Shore. Rodgers is still the admiral, takes a pot shot (“what, you wanted to talk”), proceeds as plotted with the whacky chasing Sylvanas plan, Vareesa shoots the lantern to save Sylvanas from herself, can’t bring herself to kill her upset sister, Sylvanas’s line to Saurfang about references events of Stormheim.

Again, my point here is that just saying that the high elves could be replaced by something else in the story is sort of… “Well, okay, and?” Because the point is that they weren’t.


Except that the amount of affort deployed by the alliance because of Genn isnt something that Vereesa could have done or justify. The only reason all that was possible was because Sylvanas blighted worgen city so only a worgen leader who happen to be so close to the high kind could do all that.

You can make the high elf and vereesa out of proportion how you want,she just does not have the same status as Genn.

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Why not? Most of those forces are 7th Legion anyway, who all have plenty of grudges against the Horde.

This was the only thing relevent that you brought up, given the point wasn’t that they could have been any other race, but rather that they were the race Blizzard chose, regardless of your opinion of the impact on the story:


and the high elves hate - exspeccialy vereesa - what sylvanas have become…it would not be difficult to have a “I would rather redeem my sister and grant her mercy death…instead of watching her continue to degenerate into a servant of evil”…

There would be enough room to write this story with the same result.

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If you choose a race because of their popularity and not because they fit in game and and lore, they are irrelevant.

Yeah, that’s what I’m going for. Not that it would be better (it wouldn’t), just kind of trying to point out that saying “The Alliance could have been written the same without the high elves” doesn’t have a ton of weight as an argument. Because there’s a lot of paths we could take to the same story beats. But the story we have to work with has high elves in there.

Sticking to the bottom of the bag and possibly covered in lint.


They “fit the lore” just fine. All the places the High Elves showed up were appropriate for them to show up at.


the high elves…fit in game and lore…so that point is absolutly meaningless…


If you can replace the npc without changing the story, no they do not. They are irrelevant.

this fits every race…you could replace any npc…without changing the story^^

instead of b11 at the thron of thunder…the orcs could have been there…or darkspears (to fight the zandalari/mogu alliance)

instead of B11 at Suramar, there could be forsaken trying to steal the secrets of the nightborne.

like i said, every npc can be replaced


Your statement has no relevance to lore.


…You’d have to change the story (not the narrative beats) to remove high elves.

Let’s go recent. There’s high elves wandering Stormwind with void elves and then puttering around in the rift. If they weren’t there, it’d be a different message, even if the overall beat (Void elves are part of the Alliance) is the same.


the funny part is…that the void elf…reunite all thalasian elves in the rift, bloodelves aswell as high elves learn together to master the void^^

No and i said why and none of you could explain why we xan replce them. Stpo doing claim that you cant defend.

I even just gave you examples that have done just that, invalidating your argument with the very examples YOU said…as I said, anyone can be replaced, the blood elves have no special position in this…

So i see you cant read… I said nobody else cant be replace without changing the story, compare to high elf, which i proved.

Blood elf cant be replace without changing anything. There isnt any other horde race that could have helped the nightborn while also being a highborn kingdom which had also had a mana addiction problem because of a well…Which is like 99% of the reason of why would the nightborn choose the horde instead of the alliance…

So you once again make a claim that you probably wont defend…

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Execpt that there is no place where they show up that would couldn’t have or even be a better fit…