Core Race Pages updated - sigh

Oh let’s not forget one of the female dwarf faces being stuck mid expression since… I want to say WoD.

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Honestly it was a self-inflicted wound by Blizzard. There was a stretch there where High Elves were a better represented Alliance faction than Gnomes, Draenei and Worgen combined.

It’s gotten better, don’t get me wrong, Legion and BfA (sorta) helped to give those three groups something to enjoy, but I can’t necessarily blame the Alliance player-base for wanting to play a faction that actually got consistent screen time.

If there is one good(?) thing that came out of Shadowlands is that it gave time for that whole debate to finally calm down and go to the way side since it’s so detached from Azeroth proper. It still pops up but certainly not in the same ferocity.


thats…simply wrong.

The horde got alliance stuff and the alliance player doesn`t want to give it up, thats more accurat.


The high elves technically joined the horde in Warcraft 3 Zahir :eyes:

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they never joined the horde in wc3. they joined illidan, not the horde. Two entiry different factions…you know :wink:


? Quel’Thalas didn’t join the Horde until Burning Crusade. They had no affiliation with the Horde during Warcraft III.


Oh right. Forgot thats when blizz made them playable :smiley:

Strangely enough, in Warcraft III: Frozen Throne the Curse of the Blood Elves story was categorized as the Alliance campaign.


I mean, technically they started off Alliance aligned to start that campaign.


What wrong with people spreading this lie lately?? That is just false. Alliance HE did nothing important since woltk… They just existe because nearly everytime blood elf have sotry, blizzard choose them as their counterpart…

Zerde also said a similar bullcrap the other day by saying that they were more relevant than haft of horde race. You know what he end up needing to use??? The 2 portal holder, the 3 npc for the expedition island and Alleria bow in the hunter class campaign…

That how much they did nothing. Vereesa and that all. The alliance high elf could not existe and nothing would need to change in the story…

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The fact remains that there’s plenty of places where Blizzard could have used our actual races but instead chose to pop in the high elves.

If everything the high elves currently do was done by, say, gnomes, the story wouldn’t change much. But Blizzard CHOSE to use the bloody things and give them more snippets of story, so it’s no surprise people wanted them.


The single fact that you could replace them with anyone is a reason for why they arent relevant or important…

…I mean, you could also replace all the worgen outside of Gilneas with high elves and not much would need to change in the story.

Maybe Talanji’s bubble wouldn’t work as well.


No you cant. Without worgen, there isnt a other race at that moment that have a justify hate enough for the forsaken to attack them in stormheim. Sylvans get what she want. It would have been way harder to convince the horde the attack teldrassil but since she can make as many forsaken as she want, she would have done something else but not with the horde…The story would’ve change as hell…

Every race have his history and a culture of his own that lead to evenement that only them would have done it that way.

Alliance high elf dont.

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Would the overall narrative have to be different though if, say, Valeera and the Silver Covenant had been going after her “lost” sister instead of Genn and the worgen doing it? The actual story beats could have played completely the same, with some dialogue changed.

That’s kinda my point. You can get all the same beats by using high elves or not, and Bliz chose high elves.


I’m taking you play Horde only.

The Silver Covenant was the Dalaran Alliance faction in WotLK, and were the Argent Tournament faction for the Alliance. We even did quests for them in Crystal Song.

In Cataclysm they were the only reason the Alliance had any involvement dealing with the Trolls in ZA (minor but still more than a portal trainer).

In MoP we not only helped them remove the Horde from Dalaran during the Purge (good times) but they were ALSO the bulk of the Alliance forces on the Isle of Thunder for the Kirin Tor Offensive.

Nothing really happened in WoD of any relevance for anyone.

In Legion they were one of the factions present for the Siege of Suramar, and were even identified specifically in a cut-scene. There was no reason to have them there, the Night Elves were more than enough for the Alliance representation. And yet, here we are.

It’s not a lie. They pop up ALL the damn time. If you’re Horde only and you see them as nothing more than a hostile NPC to kill that’s fine. It’s not relevant to you. “Kill Blue no matter who”, right?

But to outright deny that High Elves haven’t been over used as an Alliance faction is disingenuous at best, and willfully ignorant at worst.


the high elf…seems to be more efficient then dwarfs…given that blizzard denied the dwarfs any screentime but…in terms of popularity, many many people like highelves…the uncorrupted thalasian elves, and thats not a lie, i mean, since v11 even have this fantasy aswell included, many many more play them…for different reason of course…i must not like it that they use the void elves for this instead of giving the high elves to the alliance…as their own thing but, in terms of popularity, the message is clear.

Could have work because Anduin wouldn’t have been able to justify the fact that Vereesa would have attack unprovok the forsaken like Genn did. Vereesa also have no reason to destroy Sylvanas plan like Genn did.

So qt the end, Sylanas have maybe not enough reason to trag the horde in a waar agaisnt the alliance.

The Stormheim cinematic just wouldn’t be the same without Greymane being there. Would feel weird having another race like the HE in that spot instead.

Plus his Sylvanaasss…. line is pretty awesome to some of us :smiley:


i would not like the He instead of the Worgen there…the worgen fits this zone perfectly.^^