Copying meta doesnt make you good or skilled

Marksmanship is a VERY weird case, IMO. It objectively isn’t an even remotely awful spec, but Beast Mastery is just very, very, very good in this tier to the point where it strictly outclasses Marksmanship.

i just don’t find marksman or survival fun. from what i’ve heard, the majority of the hunter community shares my opinion but i don’t know for certain since i’m not in the hunter discord or anything. it’s kind of like spriest but not quite so bad.

I like to auto-shot and see how long until groups kick me out. My record is 2 bosses!

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So you do admit that skill is irrelevant to what class you play and skilled people can play whatever they want and do well.

Again, you are confusing min maxers with skilled people, people can be both, but a skilled player does not mean they are a min maxer and willing to play the most unfun specs because they do 10% more dps.

That person is a min maxer.

Probably because we enjoy our classes and are not min maxers to reroll to the easy noob spec that does 100k in an attempt to playing something that isnt fun to trivialize the content.

If your self worth is dependent on the game and you care about nothing other than “beating” content then I understand, just dont expect the rest of us to follow and not stick to our fun underperforming classes and consider our beating of the boss to be a bigger achievement than the group who stacked fotm.

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For PvE - Big YES!

PvP though, doesn’t seem to pan out as well. But that is a hunter issue in general.

Its ironic when a troll tries to troll … but actually says something that is true.

Axeperson, it’s like anything. Knowledge is one thing. But Knowledge without Proper Application and Experience … isn’t really all that helpful.

EDIT: Clarification.

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but… i’m an orc…

That’s something Blizzard could stand to learn from. Unique Mechanics aren’t necessarily good. But it seems they think that unless classes have unique mechanics that somehow they’ll automatically be boring.


So what exactly qualifies someone as a skilled player. Outside of their meta class spec.


They even took this silly idea of copying from experts and pushed it onto kids! They call these things “Schools” where kids go to “learn” how to do things! HOW DUMB IS THAT LOLOL!!!

Take it from ralph, Copying or as these schools call it “LEarning” from experts is such a dumb dumb thing to do! You should be naturally good at everything to encounter in life or you might as well not do it at all.

Learning… pfft who needs that!


and that’s fine. but you shouldn’t expect people who want to try as hard as they can to conform to your idea of fun either. you are literally accusing people of trying to conform the game to their idea of fun and in the process, saying your idea of fun is the only way. your arguments are very hypocritical.


I was referring to RALPH trying to troll.

I was just adding to your comment about properly using the knowledge.

ah. when i see a quote, i assume the response is to the quote.

Understandable. I should have phrased it better.

EDIT: Clarified that I was agreeing with you in the above post.

I think a lot of it’s problem comes from it’s complete reliance on aimed shot

I also still don’t know how I feel about rapid fire

The opposite of me. Like, they use spells, do more than 4% of their SimDPS, things of that nature :slight_smile:

Skilled people can be skilled at Feral, or Survival, or Arcane. It’s possible to be good, even excellent, at those specs. But you have no reason to play Survival or Arcane and be skilled at them when you could be playing Beast Mastery or Fire at about 70% of that level of efficiency and pump out 30% more DPS in many situations.

You can be a skilled Arcane Mage. But if you’re a skilled Arcane Mage you aren’t a skilled Mage because the most skilled Mages are the ones that play whatever is most necessary. And believe me; Fire is an extremely necessary spec for most serious raid groups.

Fire Mages don’t trivialize the hard content. Have you invested 315 pulls into Mythic N’zoth, Ralph? If you aren’t bringing along at least one Fire Mage, at least one Destro Warlock, and roughly ten immunities across the board you’re doing a completely different fight, and until you’re so geared that even N’zoth isn’t even a real challenge that fight is still an extremely threatening fight with several tight DPS checks and a laundry list of mechanics that can kill you easily.

And believe me; if you didn’t have a Warlock you wouldn’t have even gotten to N’zoth. Carapace requires one.

The meta specs are excellent currently, but this is also a tier that heavily favors Fire, Destro, and BM even more than they normally should. This is especially the case on Il’gynoth, Ra-den, and especially N’zoth, which all heavily favor the damage profiles of these three specs.

Moreover, “fun” is extremely subjective. I personally love Fire and BM right now, hence why I play both. Doing good damage is fun.

#BuffMM #MoreSoup

Is it fine? I don’t even think that’s the case at all. The meta folk don’t respect the non-meta folk. They look at them and wonder why they’re not playing what’s best. They’re wondering why they don’t use what’s optimal. In essence, the meta folk consider the non-meta folk a waste of server space, that if they just reroll they would make that server space worthwhile and even USEFUL for their goals.

I mained MM start to finish in BFA, and I had people make remarks that I should go with BM all the time because it’s just better. They didn’t respect my choice and let well enough alone. That’s really the controversy; because of my own choices of fun, I’m depriving others of fun. “Oh yea, we could use another BM and I think Zelse would be an awesome BM but he’s being a bump in the log with his strict MM preference.”

That’s really the attitude. The meta expects you to conform while you’re not allowed to make them conform to the non-meta. The door swings only one way.