Copying meta doesnt make you good or skilled

I think what Ralph is getting at, is DH and Fire Mage are broken.

These are facts, and cannot be disputed.


In a single player game you can play whatever funky way you want to. But in a game with group-play, people actually want to help everyone else on the team. If that means playing meta, they’ll play meta

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No doubt but the amount of meta shift is disturbing

Marks looks like it’s left dead in the water, shadow priest are still going to be trash even though people are screeching to get it reworked
Outlaw still doesn’t have an option to reduce the insane amount of RNG
Death knights still look like they’re going to be cooldown specs

It’s really bad when they leave some classes in the trash can too; like WW monks doing pathetic damage still

people on “underperforming” specs probably feel like they need to prove themselves, yeah

but are the fotm players following a guide to the letter or are they just lazy bastards?

“If you don’t think the way I think then you’re wrong” is all I get out of any of your ridiculous posts. Just wanted to say that before I mute this asinine thread.

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Should I consider you a more skilled player for not running SW:V, Ralph?


Oh extremely accurate, said it many times.

Guild who clears content easymode by stacking FotM will of course be less skilled that guilds who have a more balanced comp since their victory was FACTUALLY harder to achieve.

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well that’s fine but it still boils down to whether the other player wants to play with someone who is willingly sub-optimal. if you want to play a anti-meta build then go for it. just don’t expect other people to accept you. they want to have fun too.

can you show me this fact? last i checked, bm hunters and feral druids have different rotations with different output variables per spell. that means that the two players could be similar in skill but one class might be overtuned compared to the other. comparing two different classes is not the same as comparing two of the same class with one different talent.

i’ve been playing bm for 4 years straight. i played this spec before and after it was meta regardless of the meta. that means i’m biased AGAINST the idea that the meta means everything. did you even think this part through?

again, different classes do not compare well when it comes to skill.


marksman and survival specifically. bm is at least tolerable for me. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is like saying that walking two miles is “factually harder” than running it since you’re not using that dirty “meta” running ability.


let me guess. You got denied to a group again


Listening to Ralph won’t make you good or skilled either.


Doesnt sound like fun, seems like those people forgot what games are about.
Or more likely their self worth is attached to the game so they NEED to ignore fun or systems to defend their ego.

My typo, but again you implying not following the meta makes you mediocre.

And no you cant try to compare this to college because WoW is a pretty simple game where you can easily figure things out yourself with little effort and be good even without a meta build.

And I could’ve been a published writer without going to college. But I learned while I was there, and it made me better overall. I’m done, you refuse to do anything but spout the same point over and over. I dare say OP is anti-intellectual, anti-education, and has an inflated sense of self if he thinks he can brew something that could achieve meta type results. Prove me wrong Ralph!


Everyone has their own opinion as to what constitutes a good / skilled player.

My personal opinion is that I don’t think someone is good / skilled if they are just copying something and just going through the motions because a guide said this is how you should play your toon.

I think what makes a good / skilled player is someone that can manage to put something together and make it work.

This doesn’t mean that I am against people that choose to follow a guide. It’s their way of playing the game and if they are having fun and it’s meeting their expectations. GO FOR THE GOLD!

Then again I’m very casual, so I just play around with classes and talents and seeing what works with my play style. Could I probably do a lot better than what I plan on doing. Probably. But min / max isn’t my thing either.

Being good without playing a meta build won’t make you a better player unless you’re so good at playing that non-meta build that you can make it meta.

The best players in the world can play any class or any spec to near-perfection. But they’re the best players in the world and not the best Survival Hunters, Feral Druids, and Arcane Mages in the world because they’re the best with the best specs.

Why make the content harder for you and the rest of your team, Ralph? Riddle me that.

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or those people get fun from progress or logs or competing with their friends. there is more than one way to have fun. you are honestly the opposite of the people in lol. they only care about winning and you only care about not winning.

Even with all the right corruption marksman still can’t kill? BM is definitely rough without the burst, and survival I understand…talk about 0 defense.

We know this, this isn’t forbidden knowledge damn it

When was the last time anyone saw someone get slammed for having the wrong talent?!

Why would I play a bad build just to prove something, and possibly drag down everyone else in my group? Even in a single player game, I choose the best abilities, weapons, etc.

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