Convert Forum to BattleTag

Thank you. He actually passed a few years ago now (just before COVID). I just wanted to mention it because some players don’t know they can take over a family member’s account in those circumstances.

It definitely gave my sister some comfort to finish off the things my brother was doing in game. She doesn’t play the account now, but it still feels like he’s there in spirit when I see his B-tag on my friends list.


Who and where in the thread because after reading this

I scrolled the whole thread and did not see a single btag that was posted with a persons real name .

So if there is an actual one that was please show your evidence or stop lying .

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I think if we count classic, you can have up to 1200 toons on a single bnet account (50 retail, 50 TBCC, 50 classic era).

Someone did say they used their real name. Char name began with a G. Low post count.

Everyone simply point out that was a bad idea and to use the free Btag change option.

Sorry for double post but tablet here on deck. Nav is odd.

So really? 1200 chars per Bnet account if someone wanted to max out Classic?

That just is kind of nuts.

so you think someone who wanted to keep his battletag secret because it identified him was going to post it on this forum ? You go and look for his post. I have no intention on helping someone who calls me a liar for a second time when you were wrong the first time as well.

8 licenses, 50 retail, 50 TBCC, 50 classic era per license.

If we add it all up, that comes out to 1200 toons.

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Maximum shartposting

38.8977° N, 77.0365° W
This you? /s


I was there last weekend. Your potato is warm…


Ah, the Edward’s SnowDen ski shop.

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Once again if it isn’t an issue on the other Blizz forums why would it be here .

The only way they could follow you in game or from game to game is if you say yes you can be my btag friend. If you say no there is no way they can .

They could know your btag in here and without being on your friends list a person would not know what Blizz games you like besides WoW Classic or what other Blizz forums you are on .

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Plausible deniability: “That’s my kid, not me.” (Minor family members can be on a parent’s B-net.)

That, or you can pretend you have multiple personalities.

actually, you could probably find me, sort of, by my btag. JuggNuttz#1209, but thats because JuggNuttz is an online handle ive been using since 1997 for everything… game log ins, forums, character names…

but you can see how afraid of that i am.

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this was my first main in vanilla and TBC, didnt start playing the Pally till Wrath.

People do stupid things that is one of them.

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i think id be down for btag. Never realID or phone tho.

i dont have a phone :smiley:

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Same here. Something stinks and it ain’t fish. I see a lot of fake ones.

lol why are people using “what if your btag is your real name” argument? I mean what if you named your character your real name? Just as easy and just as dumb.

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No, not btag, realid