Convert Forum to BattleTag

Or Calzone, just sayin’.:upside_down_face:

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I usually track Calzone by calling Uber Eats

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I’m pickup only, and I don’t have gas money.

omg I wish you people wouldn’t argue with me on this. When they switched to the new forum format they originally mentioned on the old forum that they would be using battle tag id like the other forums. People objected to them doing that - so strongly blizzard went to the software maker and had then adjust the software for this forum specifically.

Neither do I that is why I make them spend their gas money :smiling_imp:

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Look how well that turned out. :man_shrugging:

Ah so people complained so that they could keep upvoting their own bad take threads with alts .

Because other then that and don’t say it doesn’t happen because alt up voting happens all the time . Maybe more then actual alt posting does in the same thread .

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so you think the people knew how blizzard would change things when they complained?

one of the complaints I remember was that people could be identified in real life by their battle tag id - which is a legitimate concern that blizzard has to pay attention to.

How can they be identified in rl by their btag id in the wow forums if they can’t be identified in rl by their btag in any of the other Blizzard forums ?

There is no legitimate concern because btags don’t have personal information like realid has and that is why they didn’t end up using realid and went instead to using btags.

Let me guess you and the undead rogue are one and the same and are using a classic toon just so people can’t check your armory to confirm .

Both of you have the same flawed arguments that have already been shown to be wrong.


Sure they can be identified on the other forums by their battletag - if they used their real name when setting it up.

A person writing on a classic clown sure doesn’t have value to me

yet 5 hours later you took the time to respond to that.

bc it made me laugh :upside_down_face:

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Really how many use their full names . I mean if a person is that stupid that is on them but most likely it is first names and how many people with the same first name as a btag would you have to go through to actually find the person you are looking for and once again .

If it isn’t an issue for all the other Forums this company (Blizzard) has for all their other games and the actual Blizzard .com forums , what makes it an issue for the wow forums other then people against it making it an issue .

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Or your death certificate and ID showing they are your relative. At least, that’s how my sister was given my brother’s account after he passed.

there is a person in this thread that used their real name

Yes, the death certificate and ID also works. I did not really want to talk about that though as it is a very uncommon situation. Blizz has it in one of the support articles now though. That is nice. They used to keep it hush hush between CS and the individual.

I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family are doing as well as can be.

As you, and that poster were told multiple times, we all get a free Battletag change. They can pick something they want the forums to see, if they want to post. Others may have tags that are against the rules, another reason to change. IF Blizzard switches, everyone so far is suggesting a a free Btag change for everyone to ensure they are comfortable.

Calzone#11988 have fun trying to find me, anyone. I’ll even give you your 1st clue, I graduated high school in 1988. I practically gave out my social security number, oops.:roll_eyes: