Convert Forum to BattleTag

For security reasons, you really shouldn’t use your real name in accounts anyway.


To think, I get to enjoy seeing two people coming together :heart: So heartwarming

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Side note though: I truly am sorry to hear about your condition


I’m getting better, the last blood results show a lot of levels coming up!

But thanks, it’s why I’m here so much, not allowed to work. I never thought I would say I miss it, but here it is. :rofl:


Lack of testosterone if not able to stand behind your words and talk about people in their face

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I can’t say that I’ve been through the other stuff, but I can definitely relate to this part lol. Even the 2 weeks I had off for COVID drove me stir crazy.

I’m hoping you have a speedy recovery :heart: Not to go back to work, but just to be better in general! Need more years to enjoy WoW and watch it make a comeback


Oh I want to go back though! Daddy Elon invested big bucks in our company and I want to meet him!


I’m jealous! I’ve always wanted to pick his brain on certain business models that function in today’s world. But I’m not about to get all finance nerd on here :stuck_out_tongue:

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Windows 95 didn’t come out until 7 years after I graduated from grade school. :grinning:


Unless you accept them as a Btag friend they won’t see what Blizzard games you are on . If you do approve them yes they can see what game you are on unless you go below your Btag on the launcher where it says online and click the V arrow .Then go to where it says appear offline.

So unless you let them have your btag no one can follow you from game to game and if you don’t want your btag friends to know you are on you set it to appear offline .


Hey don’t forget to add your phone number


Oh wait that’s my phone number


Paranoia lol
It’s like the people that freak out about posting pictures with your cars license plate. Even though of people could see them everyday.

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I like this idea, but I’m not a forum troll trying to hide or sock-puppet for laughs either.

P.S. I’m not italian, but I really like a well made calzone.


it is the threads being created that people are complaining about - are you forced to go into every thread?

and I have posted on here since MoP and I have never had someone’s alts become a problem for me because people are literally just not that interested, even the crazy who stalk aren’t going to hop around and harass you on multiple characters in multiple threads.

And exaggerating your case by saying someone is using 400 characters isn’t a good look.

that isn’t even realistic - 400 characters.

I get harassed on here more than most people because I very often disagree with what the ‘crowd’ wants and I have never had a problem with someone’s alts.

I have occasionally had people switch to alts to insults me but most of the time those are easy to identify because you can spot irrational hostility and check.

Why is it a problem for them (Blizz ) to go to btag instead of character names here in the WoW forums when every other game they have uses btags for those forums ?

To be honest it would make more sense for them to use one unified system then use just one type for one specific forum and different for all the rest of their forums.


I did not say one person was using all 400 characters. I said a Battlenet account can have up to 400 chars on it if someone has all 8 licenses and makes all chars. More actually if we count Classic.

One person should not have up to 400+ forum accounts under a Bnet account.

One account at the Btag level, with the Chars as avatars. No more identity hopping. No more using chars to flag posts. No more losing post history, trust levels, etc when switching chars or doing a server move. ONE ignore - which means you ignore the Bnet account you ignore every char on it.

I really hope they change it to match the rest of the Blizzard forums.


that is what they originally were planning on doing but a lot of people objected to that for reasons and so they went and got the software specially adjusted to handle character posting. I am doubtful they would change it back now given how many people objected to it originally - they would at best just trade the unhappy group.

they have the ability to see if this is a problem or not and based on the last blue post I have seen on the subject very few people post on multiple characters.

Well so far we have seen

  1. Lack of character idenity
  2. Easier off platform stalking?
  3. To ban us all
  4. Somehow you could be tracked on what you play even without excepting a friend request.
  5. People might have to choose between changing their btag or not posting because
    they used their real name.
  6. Previous Glitches have exposed RealID’s to non friends.

No they were going for realid not the same thing .

realid had information like your email battletag doesn’t and it is what every other Blizzard forum uses including the actual Blizzard Forums

Mousing over name and checking will show that it is the persons btag.

So your argument is highly flawed .

1: It was not btag that was the issue
2: Every other Blizzard forum uses without issue
3: People can’t track you from game to game if you don’t accept them as btag friends.

Now if they were dumb enough to post their full first and last name for their btag they might deserve it but I’m guessing most use part of their first name and really how you gonna track the thousands of people who named their btag Steve .

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