Convert Forum to BattleTag

I don’t… I started this crusade years ago… On the previous iteration of the forums on my alliance druid. and these forums have only grown worse since then.

Basically it boils down to there are certain people on these forums and within the game that are the reasons why we cannot have nice things.

I see your point and I can’t think of a better implementation off the top of my head.

Do you see any downside to this at all?

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Just wait, the sharks haven’t seen the post yet.

You will have the fun ones in here soon enough, with all their “friends”.


Don’t worry about talking to yourself. Just means you have a penchant for intelligent conversation.

wiggles toes

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This is the greatest idea in the history of ideas.

Thank god no one will ever know who I actually post on to counter this narrative.

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I like to think of myself as an annoying shark myself.

No more than there are now, definitely less.


Hi Sabbia, any new catgirl pics today?

I have a cute one of mine in the clown suit as a reaper.

Catgirl + giant scythe = win


You know, I approve!

I remember that browser extension that someone made for the forums, that outed peoples alts, or however it went.

I decided to mess with it, and was clicking different threads. I came across one where someone had made some kind of supposedly epic philosophical comment, that they clearly thought should get comments on.

No one had commented on it for a bit. So, a bit later, the same person posted on an alt saying something akin to, “Oh So-n-so, you always make the best posts. I always admire what you say and wish I could be more like you.” … or some nonsense like that.

It was such a WUT moment for me. I felt bad for them, tbh, that they felt the need to stoop to that kind of thing, just to give themselves accolades like that. It was kind of sad.


I do. Sometimes you will get someone stalking your posts just to harass you and they never cross the line for forum moderation so it will go on for months. The easiest way to fix that is just to change posting characters.

I see this all the time too! I laugh a lot, then feel sad for them too.

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Can’t you just put them on your forum ignore list? With BattleTag, they won’t be able to switch to an alt and harass you.


You’re not fooling me, Vincent2.

I can address that one, you can, but it just makes them create another. I have a few that carried on with me for a while. I just don’t bite anymore, or I adapted and grew armor to deal with GD. Battletag would end that all though!


More reason for BTag cause they cant just create another!


I would rather they not have the opportunity to see my posts at all and comment on them - so if they change the system so if you put someone on ignore they can’t see your post either that would be great

Could be a change during conversion. Would be nice too.

Do it enough times, and you will be suspended. Not banned, just suspended. You can get away with it, if you don’t do it enough.

Treading with caution :stuck_out_tongue: