Convert Forum to BattleTag

False reporting ,flagging and violating privacy,by messaging a person that doesn’t want to spoken to .


None of that is different than now? Doesn’t answer my question one bit. You can’t message someone with their BattleTag if it isnt a mutual friendship.


I’m down for this.

I honestly think that the forum regulars care more about the forums than Blizz does…getting them to do anything that would make them better seems like a pipe dream to me.

So why have it?

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And you think that doesn’t happen now?

Tell me, how would you report me for my btag? You’d have to have a complaint attached. So you think they are going to ban people off of random reports? Come on now.

So in the end it will be a exclusive club .oh i get it .

I think the trolls who target other people are cowards, imho. I’ve laid out my btag more than a few times on the forums (seriously, it’s there, in past posts), and I have yet to get bombarded with whispers.

idk, man. Maybe it is just certain people they target? idk

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Did you even read the OP or just KneeJerk reply?

  • Blizzard already has BattleTags developed
  • Each account would get one BattleTag regardless of toon.
  • Post counts would remain the same while you switch mains, as will tiered benefits.
  • It would also prevent players from getting unwanted whispers or mail in-game. Anyone can add another “playername-server” to their friends list and start whispering them without consent.
  • It would also cut down on forum troll alts or people talking to themselves.

What does that even mean?

Everyone has a btag. It’s nothing new. Every other Blizzard forum uses it. Why the fight to not have it here when it’s been tested in all the others?


And cut down on people abusing the reporting system by switching alts to report multiple times. That is already against the rules but it appears inconsistent application if you are to be believed.


This earned me a forum vacation.

I don’t recommend it.


Do what you do have your inclusive club I’ll leave that up to blizzard to decide. Good day.

You have not been able to articulate any reason why they should not switch to BattleTag. Every reason you posed is an issue now.


It does - they must have just got lucky and the moderator who was handling things that day didn’t check.

I got lucky once or twice before. But after the vacation, I never tried my luck again.

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You have a btag, I guess you are one of us.

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An interjection of chicken lulz

(I just saw this and went lololol irl, so I thought I would share before this becomes some kind of heated forum war for the billionth time)


Lol thats a funny gif. I think aside from the intentional memes with people talking to themselves, most people seem to think BattleTag is a good transition. Unlike RealID.


I still think it’s fine to let people switch what character avatar they want to use at any given time, but connect the likes, flags, reports, forum actions, etc to be tied to their bnet, so that toon switching doesn’t allow them to mass-flag, report-bomb, or whatever we are calling it these days. It doesn’t need to be displayed on their profile, so they can’t be reverse-griefed or whatever. If people can’t be held accountable for their actions, maybe it’s time for their actions to be limited in reasonable ways, so that everyone can have better discussions, if that’s what they want. If that’s not what they want, why are they even here?