Convert Forum to BattleTag

With the lengths you are going to defend the ability to sockpupet, makes you wonder if you either are currently, or have previously engaged in that conduct and just don’t want to get caught…

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Are you suggesting that I want to make this “lame thread” go big because in reality it wouldn’t? ~laugh~

Well, well. How am I actually “defending the ability to sockpuppet” when actually advocating for a “dedicated forum avatar on a per game basis”?

I guess we’re now confronted with the results of the logic function called “implication” A->B where a false A always leads to a logically “true” but utterly worthless statment.

So since I’m not going at any lengths to do what you say I’m doing …

… your “wonders” may look logically true for you but are in fact worthless (and as a bonus happen to be incorrect as well).

In reality you are keeping the thread going, which in turn is making the thread bigger. So, yes, keep replying. You are accomplishing nothing while keeping this thread on the front page.

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Not necessarily. I have a feeling with the few regulars there are on here though that is the case.


That’s your prerogative … I’m usually one of the first people to say that “Ignorance is bliss” ~laugh~

Actually your chosen avatar name is ultimately “too on the nose” for me just like mine should be for others

And here I was “hoping” that “looks” wouldn’t matter.

The older I get the more looks do not matter.

But the person I am referring to was rude and brought up looks first. So I’m being petty :woman_shrugging:

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And the contradiction doesn’t quite occur to you … just like other aspects that you like to “ignore” as you please ~laugh~

Which means that “if” Honeypot’s assertion were true, this thread by definition would be a “lame thread that wouldn’t go anywhere otherwise”.

How courteous of you to “allow” me doing something that I’m not prohibted from doing.

~laugh~ Trust me I’m accomplishing “something” here and keeping this thread on the front page is actually perfectly acceptable.
If you truly hope that someone on provider side grants your “wish” based on your (regularly flawed) arguments I can equally hope that my objections and counter-proposals are received as well.

Which is all fine and dandy.

… until “reality” and / or the expressed world view within my avatar’s name sets in.

At that point I’ll just scratch this off as yet another instance where someone used fallacious reasoning in an attempt to “support” their case but ultimately undermining it … and also failing to recognize that my personal goals actually align with theirs on principle but not in execution.

Another reason why battletag is a bad idea.

Back in Legion I think it was, there was a bug in the battlenet client and possibly wow as well that it was possible to add someone’s battletag to your ignore list and the ignored person’s real name would be visible in the ignore list. Basically someone could get your real name from the ignore list and look it up on someplace like intellius or other such data broker sites and get current address, past address, age, family, roommates’ names, a list of court information, criminal record, you name it.

Word got out to some degree and reached me. I was able to reproduce it (I tested it on a roommate who doesn’t play anymore and an in game friend I knew the real name of already because we’ve met irl go test btw).

I used the Blizzard API fan Discord to contact someone with connection to the devs. They said they already fixed it. I installed their patch and was still able to reproduce the bug. They had overlooked at least one way to exploit the bug.

The message back was that they couldn’t reproduce it and to please send them a walkthrough of how I did it. So I did with screenshots and the problem was quickly patched.

It was a pretty scary bug and there’s no guarantee that the spaghetti code won’t have this sort of error again and while you need consent to add someone to battletag, you don’t need consent to block a battletag.

The undead is too cool to respond to me now. lmao

The fact that you said “I think” at the start of it means you don’t really remember the factual details. Maybe it could have been RealID maybe not, but who knows, not even you.

I see.
I’ll take back those words then and admit my fault on that point, though I’ll pledge my further ignorance on how transition will work and will ask how changing characters works, because char identity is my main issue here.

But if Blizz really wanted to, they could have their own site, anyways.

I’d love for you to show that.

Unlike yourself I like to use the same character to post. I don’t feel the need to hide behind various avatars. If I have a bad take I own it.

Oh here we go again, circular reasoning, all coming back to your point still being wrong.

But hey keep bumping it! More likes means this may come to be, and you are a hero for keeping it on the front page.

No one likes a pedant.

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Well like Mirasol was talking about having the character avatar option still be swappable but just add the battle tag to the information you see now. So I could post on Senpu or on any of my other toons and the avatar and character name would change but you would always see my Btag.

So your argument is a now patched bug that you can’t fully remember from 5 years ago?


If I remember correctly, this one time, I think…

Imagine how well that would go in court as a witness.


A bug like that would have been quite big and players would have noisy about it. This is the first I heard of it, so I have my doubts. Hell, remember the stink raised a couple of weeks ago when the vote to kick was bugged and not working?

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