Convert Forum to BattleTag

It can be a 10 year wait. In 10 years I have gotten a handful of Btag friend requests. Ten years of being green and posting on the Diablo forums (often way more hostile than WoW, esp back around D3 release), Overwatch, HotS, HS, and even once in a while on SC. Mostly tech/cs stuff, but still. I talk a lot on the Diablo forums and only a handful ever tried talking to me.

Those few who did are mostly other folks who help answer player questions.

Not saying something bad could not happen. It is why I don’t have any public social media, reddit, or anything else. I keep it to the Blizz communications where I have control over things and can report if something happens.

Go find Honeypot, I’m curious to see what they are up to.

And you’d have fooled yourself there. This particular character is my “forum main”. I don’t use any other characters.

And now we’ll see where the next fallacy is going to lead us:

I haven’t made a singular reference to either “harassment” or “stalking” ~wink~

So far the only person to move goal posts within the discussion where I was involved was SĂŽsari.

What if “you” can’t actually “beat” them on even “one thing”? ~laugh~

If you accept the friend request, which you have the ability to decline.

Putting aside the obvious catch that there’s no guarantee that the BattleTag Honeypot put in here is indeed “hers”:
Just like you claimed not having personal interest in me, I have no personal interest in finding out which other Blizzard games the person behind “Honeypot” may or may not play as well 
 and at least for now I also have zero professional interest in doing such profiling.

I’m not.

I’ll bite once
So if you aren’t referencing harassment or stalking and aren’t being pedantic here, then why worry if someone “could” see what game you are playing without you knowing?

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This would also stop the many posters that continuously upvote from their alts, and post favoritism for their alts’ topics as well.

So wouldn’t this mean your argument is senseless?

To quote Shakespeare here: “The lady doth protest too much, me thinks.”

I have found one thing very telling about those who oppose this measure, it’s a pile of circular arguments that lead to the same non issues. It also shows me how many more are acting in bad faith on a lot of toons. More than I ever thought.


It is, because I am that one person they accepted.

Bad! I’mma hit you with a stick if you continue to keep this thread alive! :oden:

And with that the “honest” part goes straight out of the window ~laugh~

Are you suggesting that I’m not allowed to worry about the potentials of opening up “the system” to various forms of profiling attempts?
Or is your question just another false dilemma in disguise that you will see confirmed via the ad hominem aspect of “being pedantic” with the implication that my objections could be dismissed based on that stipulation being true.

For someone who acts like I’m a “bad faith actor” you sure as hell are acting in very “bad faith” yourself.

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I’ll tell you that the rogue is doing a great deal to keep themselves hidden for some reason.

only show per character achievements is on
they used a level 50 boost, and used the scouting map for cataclysm content, EK and Kalimdor all on the same day.
Are hiding that account from 3rd party sites.
Hidden forum profile.

None of those options are on by default, nor are they easily turned on by mistake, makes you wonder if they are up to something


Is paranoid about people finding them on other Blizzard titles, when every other Blizzard game forum already uses BattleTags.

Eh based on their response to me they aren’t I think they are trying a bit to hard to take the T-Elves crown.

If they do not want to add me they could remove a bnet friend and tell them, hey, I’m trying something out let me see.

I was just watering my rose bushes and this toad lives under a smol hole in the concrete. It came out to get some water from the hose and I sprayed off some of the brick to get the bugs down and it ate them. Simple pleasures :heart_eyes:

No one has added me still tho. I’m curious where the harassers are or maybe they only bother ppl who seem legit bothered? đŸ« 

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One thing is certain. They do live up to their character’s name. lol


I was going to say earlier, the only ppl opposed to this are the ones who want to make their lame threads go big bc in reality they never would. đŸ« 

Nope. It just means that I’m personally not the type of person (and institution) to which my “worry” applies.

Let me make another “random” quote then: Never put passion before principle

And I guess that’s why I’m advocating for “a singular dedicated forum avatar on a per game basis”?

Such “bad faith” acting is definitely not limited to those you’re referencing there. To a certain degree you just made a very “bad faith” comment when asking your question and starting to answer it yourself along with a depiction of how allegedly others act.

You included :wink:

I can’t respond to that person anymore they hinted I am not snacky enough and I bet I’m better looking than them :nail_care:t2:

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Oh indeed 
 the question is: Am I allowed to have such “reasons”?

Which is more than I would have liked to be visible on a character that exists solely to provide me a distinct forum avatar that is removed from the game itself as much as possible.

That’s most definitely done on purpose and 

 this just means I’m consistent and consequent in what I’m doing.


And this is where it actually becomes a “you” problem and has nothing to do with my actual motivations at all.