Convert Forum to BattleTag

I just wish that this was an intellectually honest response but it isn’t, is it?

Whatever I say seems to go straight above your head.

Fun fact: “People like me”, with a “forum main” are exclusively “hung up” on you committing one fallacy after the other and don’t care that much about “that last sentence of the OP”

While I wonder if you’re able to identify the fallacy that you have committed now. Honest opinion: Have no trust in that.

Then it’s probably good that I didn’t actually deny that there could be benefits (tangible or otherwise) but only expressed my beliefs that …

  • … there could be an even better solution
  • … you’re not serving your purpose when arguing with obvious fallacies.
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I have not suggested otherwise

That one is a little trickier because it largely depends on what you define as “following you from games”.

Guess what, I didn’t say that either.

Nice double almost triple strawman fallacy in one go. ~applauds~

Your purpose here is to argue for the sake of arguing and nit-picking minor details and semantics. This isn’t a dissertation defense. It is a forum topic about how the benefits for BattleTags by far outweighs any possible bad. The fact is that there have been people with genuine concerns who have come through and learned the truth about their misinformation and now agree with the switch. There are also people who are in here in bad faith spreading misinformation.

You are free to keep replying, it keeps the topic on the front page.


Unless they know every toon you use on every Blizz game and what server they really can’t follow you . Btag doesn’t give out the server or actual character name unless you log in and the only way for them to see that is if you add them as a btag friend.

So the only way it is possible is if you approve it.


Wildly complex to comprehend how mutual friendships work.

Ah. now you’re making further assumptions … this time about my motivations.


It’s a forum topic where people are allowed to have different opinions than you … particularly when the arguments being used are flawed.

And it would appear that it’s also a fact that others have not changed their stance.

Now let’s hear who those might be ~laugh~
Btw. Are you certain that you are not spreading misinformation yourself?

Oh yeah arguing for arguments sake for sure .

No, I don’t need to comb through and list players by name. Also, yes I am certain that my assertions are not misinformation.

-BattleTags cannot track players through games without being mutually added.
-You cannot find player’s character with BattleTag information
-Limiting posters to 1 account will decrease sock puppeting significantly.
-Limiting posters to 1 account will decrease the amount of multiple-flagging and self-liking
-Limiting posters to 1 account is not purposed to lead to in-game bans
-Limiting posters to 1 account will maintain tiered benefits from post counts and other requirements.


You’re still thinking on the wrong level.

I haven’t said otherwise

Take special note that I didn’t speak about “character identification” either. I spoke about identifying which Blizzard titles I’m also playing. Slight difference there.

To which it was addressed. You can’t track what games people are playing without mutual BattleTag friendship.


Me still waiting


Hey, at least it’s not the League of Legends forums. Those don’t even exist anymore they were such troll farms

To quote someone: That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

In this case it’s your assertion about people being here in bad faith in order to spread misinformation.

But I can see why you’d want to avoid actually making such a list: It would constitute a breach of CoC.

While I’m sure that fallacies like your false dilemma reasoning are a form of misinformation.

But they can be used for identifiying players accross games.

Which would be equally true for a singular forum avatar (on a per game basis) and thus doesn’t need to involve “BattleTag” at all.

Only one element there has a true danger potential

Entirely irrelvant point

Assumes that those “benefits” are actually a good thing in the first place.

Didn’t know you can farm trolls, is it more lucrative than farming gnomes?

So you still lack both the imagination and the required skills for doing what I’m referring to. And trust me: That doesn’t require “mutual” BattleTag friendship at all.

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You have repeated this how many times now? NO they can’t. Unless YOU accept them as FRIENDS, they cannot track what games you are playing OR your characters. Try to add Honeypot and see if you can see anything before it is accepted. Honeypot is waiting for you.

That was one posters 1 and only issue that was a non-issue.

At this point I feel like you are the 2nd alt of an earlier poster who did the exact same thing. Kept bringing up harassment and stalking but the goalpost kept moving until we were at needing to hide on alts because a youtuber/streamer had all their followers attacking the player.

I wouldn’t bother once you beat them on one thing it’ll expand.


Keeps it on the front page though. We are at 69 likes on the OP and 1.2k Views.

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True that I still think its funny

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Obviously not often enough

Your perception is still very limited. Hint: Who said that such an attempt of identifying which other Blizzard game you play would be done via the game client?!
Just remember where you want to use (and show) it and then use a little of your imagination on how someone could indeed identify which Blizzard games you (very likely) are playing also, once they have access to (part of) your BattleTag and then “wonder” just for a second why I’m talking about a dedicated forum avatar on a per game basis instead.
