Convert Forum to BattleTag

See above for the security discussion. I JUST added it to the post. I was trying not to get spammy :slight_smile:

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I don’t think so, do you log in with your BattleTag?

What you’re saying there represents a false dilemma fallacy.


Explain how it is.

False dilemma is when someone creates faulty choices for people to consider, when there is a multitude or more truthful reasons instead.

Your false dilemma is that the only reason anybody can be against battle tag is because they’re trolls. There are plenty of reasons one can be against it, as stated throughout the thread (with my own personal reason being I prefer the character identity we bring when we post as our characters).

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Then explain what those other reasons are that are not based on misinformation. There have been several individuals against it and their points were objectively inaccurate and unfounded.

In terms of being able to post on certain characters, that is still possible while displaying your BattleTag. One account, One like, One Flag, No Sock Puppets.


Simple: You claim that the only reason someone could ever object your suggestion is because they use the current system to hide and troll. You’re presenting a binary situation and thus outright deny the existance of other possibilities. That’s a textbook false dilemma also know as a “black and white fallacy”.

Just to present three different options instead of what you wrote:

  1. Someone could oppose your idea because they indeed want to “hide” (something) but have zero intention of “trolling”
  2. Someone could oppose your idea because they have zero intent of “hiding” but certainly want to “troll”
  3. Someone could actually want a complete seperation between their forum personna and the ingame connections that the BattleTag does provide (not just for WoW but all Blizzard games)
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Why would they need to “hide”? With BattleTags they only need to ignore 1 account, not a possible 400 alts.

What does this have to do with anything? They can’t find your character names with your BattleTag.

Again, the task was to give examples of “reasons that are not based on misinformation”. You failed to provide. You are basically here just to argue.


Frankly, so have yours, and as stated towards the beginning many of those are easily fixable issues that don’t require battletag integration. On that note, “trolls” is not the only reason people are against your idea, which again, hence is the reason you’re employing a fallacy. Unless you can prove every single person who stated other reasons are necessarily trolls, you have no argument here.

As explained way earlier, a battle tag invalidates a character’s identity because you’ll become your battletag, not your character. To me that will invalidate my character’s identity for these forums.

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First world problems ^


You are so focused on “trolling” when it was only 1 line out of the entire OP. All of the points suggested in the OP are tangible things gained from switching over to BattleTags.

I would be OK with Forum ID being one under Battletag.

But, saying people should not be able to whisper each other or send in-game mail to each other unless they add them as friends with Battletag first sounds extreme and inconvenient.

Character-server allows people to message you in game without your permission. They can even add you to their game friends list and tract you.

Battletag requires you to approve someone as a friend before they can even talk to you. It gives you more control and privacy.

Which is certainly important which is why I would prefer we keep the char avatar selection.

This example someone kindly did is what I would love to see. Btag at the top, but also allows char avatar selection and name. Of course, don’t post on a char you don’t want associated with your Btag! Posters control that though.

After poking around in the web inspector for a bit, maybe something like this?

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They would still be able to in-game if they know your character name and server. That wouldn’t change.

You asked how you made a fallacy I responded. Yes, I am focusing on that argument.

We’re going in circles here. None. of. them. require. battletag. integration.

If anything, a good compromise here would be for Blizz to clean up their forums (which they’ll have to do regardless of battletag integration) and just let people pick if they want to display their name.

I’ve already responded to this. Your will become your battle tag, not your character. People will not zero in on Chroeisre, they will on FooBarBaz. To me that’ll invalidate my character and that is not a culture I want on the forums.

Given that all of the issues can be fixed without battletag, it is useless to consider. Wow forums cultivated its own culture and style of posting and I’d prefer to keep it.

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We are going in circles because you clearly do not understand the limitations of Discourse and their coding. No they cannot just link everyone’s characters to one account.

You call it “posting style”, I call it alt hopping and sock puppeting.

It’s not about “need” but “want”. I for example have zero interest in someone like you getting access to my BattleTag just because of my forum participation.

Again deep in fallacy territory:

  1. You’re close to a non-sequitur there because the desire or “need” to retain some form of anonymity is logically not connected to an ignore function
  2. You’re close to the next false dilemma, because BattleTags as forum identifiers are not the only possibility to provide a ignore functionality. In fact the BattleTag is on technical level entirely unrelated to such an implementation.

I guess this is where your lack of understanding is showing.

But they do get access to all functions that BattleTag provides. Including “friend request” or finding out which other Blizzard games one is playing

No, that was not “the task” - at least not for me. My “task” at best was explaining where and why you committed a “false dilemma” fallacy. If anything that task you’re now trying to impose on me is what you tried to impose on someone else while trying to move the goal post (another fallacy) after being told that you’re committing fallacies.

I gave three valid scenarios that are objectively different to what you claimed to be the “sole” reasons why anyone would object. It’s not my responsibility to satisfy your moved goal post demands. It’s also not my fault that you chose to ignore the third situation I presented entirely.

=> The only person consistently “failing” here is: You!

The irony being: That’s exactly the purpose of the forum and yet another reason why someone might want to object to your suggestion: I’m “just here to argue” without the baggage of BattleTag.


I have good faith in Blizzard coding they can make a website work a certain way.

How do you think battletag integration work? They turn a switch on and suddenly post counts will merge and all trolls will be eliminated? lol. other forums dont even have character switching, they’ll have to fix the website REGARDLESS.

This is a website, not cross faction. If Blizzard wanted to, they can easily accomplish their tasks, they just don’t want to.

That’s if they even provide the #1234. You are making assumptions.

“Access” to what. There’s no tangible difference from knowing your BattleTag and knowing your Character-Server.

You realize Blizzard does not own or control Discourse right? It is a third party operation.

Again, you clearly do not understand the coding and it’s limitations. Each “alt or toon” is basically its own account. Which is why they can all flag and self-like posts. Switching to BattleTag would solve a lot of these issues because Discourse was designed to use BattleTags, like in every other Blizzard game.


You might want to take note that I didn’t say that the current implementation would provide such a seperation. ~wink~
However, with the current implementation I can create a character on a server where I don’t actually play and then use that character as my exclusive (and thus entirely separated) forum avatar. Hint: That’s exactly what you’re seeing now. So …

while this is true in theory I can wish you the best of luck in trying and still point out that someone who advocates for an entire seperation - e.g. via a singular dedicated forum avatar for each BNet Account that on its own does neither tell you anything about BattleTags or characters outside of what you explicitly want to divulge - would still object the original suggestion of BattleTag identification in this forum.

And yet it still opens up a potentially undesired communication channel as well as “stalking” possibilities over different games and their forums.

In practical terms: Nope.

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