Convert Forum to BattleTag

You’re very welcome. (I’m a sucker for turquoise.)

Reality is, Blizzard has better things to focus on than redesigning the forums. There’s nothing wrong with the current version and nothing is going to change even if it does. Regardless, their is nothing wrong with wanting more privacy.

I’m at three people now. Two added me, I added you.

Where is my damn harasser? I was hoping for entertainment 🫥

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How so? For someone to message you via Battle Tag, you have to accept them as a friend. I get battle tag requests all the time, If I don’t know who you are, I won’t accept them.


They should use their resources to focus on those who abuse forum rules and false flag threads. Especially those involving LGBT discussions. That would make the forums a much better place.

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I think he is confusing BattleTag with RealID. BattleTag would be much more secure than the current system.

You realize 1 BattleTag per account right? Versus the current 400 alt system where each one of them can flag.


You’re not wrong, but some folks use their real names (or parts of their names) for their B-tag. Yes, that’s not really bright, and yes, it’s on them.

I personally think the problem is folks can alt-swarm a post. If the forums showed every alt as being on the same account, it would cut down a lot of the abuse. But Blizz got this forum design from a third party, and they’re not likely to change anything without a serious need to do so.

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They have already offered free BattleTag name changes in the past, it would be simple to offer another round of name changes for free.

Yes, and no. This is a third party forum, but they had to jerry rig it to accommodate all of these characters and toons. Essentially each toon is it’s “own account”.

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Yeah, 50 characters per WoW account times 8 wow accounts per Battle Net account plus 50 Classic WoW characters aand 50 Classic BC Characters. 500 flags, compared to one flag from a Battle Net ID.


I think you already get one free name change (though I could be mistaken). Either way, I don’t have a problem with connecting forum alts through B-tag.

I think people ought to be able to post on alts though. While I most often post on this character, I’ll switch to an alt if the thread is about a topic where an alt makes more sense (such as healing).

Well yeah, they can have the BattleTag show regardless of the toon you select to post on. That way the toon you want people to know about are “exposed” and others are not.

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It’s hard for me to remember how the previous forums worked, but I think it was pretty obvious which alts were connected. And I don’t recall being able to like or dislike a post with more than one character per account.

I don’t understand the programming limitations that make it so Blizz can’t keep people from attacking a post with their alt armies. But if they can’t make it like the old forums, linking the alts so forum users can recognize the “bad guys” should go a long way toward stopping the abuse.

On the old forums, each Battle Net account had a unique id number on the forums, and the browser addon Cogshanks used that to to identify alts, made sockpuppeting and alt jumping a bit hard for some people.

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The way Discourse is coded, each alt is a separate account. The forum code was not meant to be used the way Blizzard rigged it. At least, that’s how it was explained to me.

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Oh please from time to time we have a few level 10s making troll threads pretty much every other day and most of them have names starting with the letter T


The point is if you have to post using your Btag name you can’t hop around on other toons to upvote yourself (not saying you do) and it gives people a way to put people on ignore without having to worry if the other person is going to switch toons.

Say a person is having trouble with a person in the forums and ignores them . Current system the ignored person can switch toons with Btag once ignored there is no way to switch unless posting on a different account then that one can be ignored .

Friend requests can be ignored


I think this is less of a problem than the folks who use multiple alts to flag a post. Or the ones who post multiple alts in a thread to sound like lots of folks agree with whatever nonsense their OP is about.

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Ok where is your proof this could happen ?

Give an example of where in a Blizzard forum a Btag being banned resulted in a ban from that forums game

If it isn’t happening in the forums of their other games and Blizz already opened the door , how would it be any different in the WoW forums outside of some one’ fake paranoia or the possibility they are afraid they won’t be able to alt hop and either mass upvote their own posts or mass flag people that don’t agree with them.

I used to have mine as my real name or at least part of it then changed to my other hunters name that I used to post on until this became my main on a different server


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