Convert Forum to BattleTag

And for good reason! Easier for others to harass you if they know your tag. Plus these forums are unique and should keep characters as the forum avatar.

Because World of Warcraft is different. The other Blizzard games are rather generic in how they can customize their forum. WoW has character avatars since forever and it should stay that way.

Explain how they would harass you with your BattleTag. That is misinformation. It would make it harder to be harassed.

Lol. You can have it display your battletag and enable players to choose their avatar. Don’t be obtuse.


People keep saying this.

I have posted mine numerous times.

I have yet to be harassed.

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Wait till I’ve had too much vodka one night :smiling_imp::pleading_face:


rofl… But then we could be snarky croutons to one another and it would be funny.

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I’m more of a scotch neat type of drinker.

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Oh well excuse me. So posh.

I get sloppy and then read back things I write the next day. 🫠

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If someone knows your, they can search you in every blizzard game.

That’s if Blizzard decides to overhaul and include the extras. They most likely wouldn’t and would go the way of every other forum.

It doesn’t have to be nice scotch :stuck_out_tongue:

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Okay, and do what? They can’t contact you without you adding them back as friends.


In EVERY blizzard game y’all.


I… still do not understand the problem.

Seriously. Where are these harassers? Send them my way. I’ll lol at them, banter with them and trade snarky jabs and then make them wait forever while I rando afk to bake cookies or something (it’s a very bad habit I have in game, and on this desktop lol).


Is this a problem?

Right? I’ve acted upset when it was entertaining to me and to see how far some ppl would take things.

If only the poor peons knew I’ve been on the internet for almost 30 years and have been told and seen it all.

I sometimes am tabbed out or walk away and miss messages. FYI

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Sounds like a great way to give out more and more info for people to harass others outside the forums. No thanks.

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Apparently some people do it to stir up trouble… or to have imaginary friends… or get faker internet points or something… whatever, idk lol. Confuses me, but whatevs.

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Y’all keep saying this. But in this very thread, when I posted my btag (right up above in those comments up yonder), I got two people who added me. I know who one is, the other messaged me, said sorry, talked about cats and that was it.

These harassers that are apparently everywhere, well, they ain’t got no game, son.


Why do people automatically assume everyone would be ‘scared’ or “stop doing X thing” if there is a sense of connection to who they really are…cheese and rice can tell this world is filled some unique people.

What are we 10? I mean I am 10, going on 11, maybe 34, could be 26 but what are we 6?

Lol. How. BattleTag is not RealID.


Just poking my head in to say “I support this!” while also understanding that Blizzard does not care and will sadly never see this thread.